The magic of Josh

Jul 01, 2004 16:55

Yet another great day today! It started out a little somthing like this.

OH shit im late for work its 7:00 and im suppose to be there at what?? ohhh 7:00. Thats no big deal im usually early anyways but then when I get to work I find out that someone left the gate open at the shop which they tried to blame on me.THE BASTARDS! Ya your right I would have done it too. I go out and look in my truck (which cant drive home anymore because their lame) and what do I find. Oh well not much, and thats the bad part. Someone ...probaly like 4 people or some one who took multiple trips stole of bunch of my shiznit. There was a Nitrogen tank with a regulator, A box of Fuses, Shopvac, My toolbox stuffed with tools and its a big box, My Refrigerant Gauges, and my coil gun. Thats a couple hundred dollars worth of stuff there. The Good thing was that I always take my meters home because there worth I think 500 between the 3. I told my manager and he told me to go pick up the stuff I have to have before I go on my first service call ,so i did. I got the best gauges ever I love em! They told me they are going to give me 100$ to buy things that were stolen besides the stuff that I bought today, And even though there was more than 100$ taken its not that bad of a deal because alot of them I dont use and now I can buy ones that I can use so yay...but thats not the end of ol Josh's day .oooo no about 5 min. after I left the store I realized that I left my phone there so I had to go back and get it making me even more late for my first call. After that it was a pretty easy day besides me falling into a that was some shit. those needles really latch onto your skin. Im done talking so im ending like this....moooo
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