i have officially been to Paris
and it was amazing.
i don't even know how to describe it to you.
best day was with ryan caitrin kunal and sarah, enjoying an unbelievable ice cream on the grass looking up the eiffel tower together with the sun beaming in our faces. je l'adore.
i miss everyone so much already.
i'll never forget what went on in room 102
pictures awesome times
-me going through three security guards
-through the cafe and over the fence to the eiffel tower we go
-"your allowed to walk with us you know"
-dont speak - i know what your thinking.
-im not skeater, skeater's blue!
-the night the exclamation point bloomed.
-"merci mademioselle"
-code names, code everything
-"enchente" three times
-qui est tu?
-he has his hands on his hips, you really need to stop.
-time out, you can never have too many
-there are no akward moments, ever.
-we'll have to bring that one back to the states
-good thing that's not weird or anything...
-im in paris and i don't know any french
-the war with sarah's bed
-everyone cought sleeping in the day at least once
- c'est une blague, c'est drole
-more fun in the metro then anywhere else
-sharing everything with your best friends
-ce n'est pas ma faute!