Feb 23, 2008 23:10
I'm still getting over the flu.
I really don't want to go to work tomorrow, as it'll just end up being the same heap of crap it normally is leading into another week of closing the store.
Not that I game any more, but I was starting to actually follow CSI and all that other american T.V. crap...
I just need a new hobby, which isn't expensive or anything, but is still rewarding. I just don't have the patience to paint minis unless they're just incredible sculpts or they happen to be for an army, but as I have come to the conclusion that wargaming is getting too damn repetitive (yes, I did just win a tournament and I'm saying this) I need to come up with a new distraction. My defunct Deviantart page is a testament to how my projects get derailed. I was all set to start drawing shit and screaming, "look at me! I have talent!" and with something as basic as a scanner, which I have, but with no driver and no way to actually hook it up to my computer, my glittery dreams are dashed by my lack of motivation.
Yes, I do indeed work right next to a Staples but that would require drive, forethought, effort, and let us not forget money, things which these days I find myself in short supply of.
Yes, I could take my stuff over to TS1's mom's condo to scan them, but I can't fiddle with her computer the way I want to, and I really don't feel like discussing the artistic merits of nekkid demon chicks with her when the only justification behind the piece is, "I felt like drawing nekkid demon chicks on that day..."
This should be a longer, more introspective post, but ny NyQuil is kicking in, and I have to be at work at 7 am tomorrow, so...