Feb 04, 2008 10:07
G.W. keeps hurting me, but I keep going back. I'm getting sick of this, but since it's pretty much impossible to find any HORDES / WARMACHINE players that aren't douchebags (since HTU died) my wargaming jones just hasn't been satisfied.
Lately I painted a Lord of the Rings army, and established dominance at G.W. springfield, but there's just no challenge to the game. All you do is determine the mission's objective and go for it all out until you win. The game requires a balanced force, which is good, but there are still douchebag armies (would it be G.W. without them?) which cannot be beaten unless you build an army speciffically to counter them.
So the 4th edition Ork codex came out last month, and they gave you the option of doing a whole army of cyborg orks riding bikes.
In case you care;
2x Warboss w/ Warbike, Power Klaw, Attack Squig, Cyb-ork Body
4x Nobz Mob (6 Nobz) w/ Warbikes, 3x Power Klaw, Painboy, WAAAAAGH! Banner, Bosspole, Cyb-ork Bodies
Because 4th edition is broke beyond retardation you can count two of the Nobz Mobz as troops, meaning that nothing is wasted. Every ork in the army has 2 or more wounds, a 4+ armor save, a 4+ cover save (because of the new, even more retarded smoke cloud rules) a 5+ invulnerable save, and failing that they all have a 4+ Feel No Pain save (like the old Blood Angel Death Company). This means that you shrug off 75% of the wounds inflicted on you (far better than the 67% that namby-pamby Space Marine Power Armor saves) against EVERYTHING. AP 2 plasma cannon got you down? That's O.K. 75% of the time it won't achieve DICK. Worst case scenario, you lose A WOUND and keep charging.
Once I make it to you, you're catching at least 15 Strength 9 Weapon Skill 5 Power Weapon attacks to the face, unless you can inflict over 28 wounds on me (7 abalative wounds from the 3 extra non-Klaw armed models x 4 with the 75% save rate) in which case you cut down how badly I massacre you...
Suffice it to say this army is utter bullshit, which these days is how you have to roll in order not to be embarassed.
So, with an army consisting of 26 models, how much money do you think this would cost?
Try $389. Seriously. Without sales tax.
Oh, let's not forget that G.W. stopped doing bitz orders which means that the 6 extra Power Klaws I need either have to be traded for, or pulled one at a time from other ork mobs which run $22+ a pop.
Oh, and G.W. no longer makes a Warboss model. So, I'm entirely at the mercy of whomever happens to still have one...
...and when I woke up my butt was bleeding...
Problem is, without an army what the fuck else is there for me to do?
So the new mechanic to balance G.W.'s games is to bake the broken armies so ungodly expensive that nobody in their right mind would build them?
Oh, wait... All G.W. armies (balanced or not) are so ungodly expensive that nobody in their right mind would build them...
Anime looks like a more and more appealing hobby. I've only dropped about $10,000 into anime. Far more reasonable.
That's why gee-dub reported record losses this year.
Fuck 'em.
However, the problem still remains- what to do with myself?
Xbox? There hasn't been a game I was charged up about since Halo, and that sucked. I've determined I hate FPS's, and I absolutely detest rythm games (FUCK GUITAR HERO). Devil May Cry 4 looks O.K., but I've been DRAGGING myself through DMC2, and don't even have DMC3.
Soul Calibur 4? Meh. I perfer 2-d fighters, and the only one on the horizon is Street Fighter 4, which is only in early pre-development, and only on PS3.
Books suck.
TV sucks.
Drinking alone sucks. It's also a sign of alcoholism, and has thusly been avoided.
Drugs suck. They just don't do it for me.
Art sucks. I'm actualy resentful at art for my inability to pursue it as a career.
WOW sucks.
I work, I sleep. That's it.