Oh LOOK. It's the post I've been meaning to make for weeks! Here I am!

Nov 23, 2013 00:00

Hello everyone.

Welcome to what I imagine will be a post whose order is dictated by the random thoughts that pass through my brain. I have been meaning to post something for quite some time, but let's face it, it hasn't happened.

For a start:

I really enjoy this show. I just do. I like what this show choses to do with it's characters. I like how everyone gets to be competent. I like how Sherlock isn't perfect. I like how alternative viewpoints are explored. I like how there is really, very little judgement. I like how it's realistic. I like how Sherlock isn't automatically right in all situations SIMPLY BECAUSE HE IS THE PROTAGONIST AND THEREFORE WE ARE SUPPOSED TO LOVE HIM AND THINK HE IS INFALLIBLE /sorry, are those my Mentalist frustrations showing? (I feel like a lot of my future TV watching is going to be forever influenced by The Mentalist, and the things that could have been awesome, but instead were unbelievably frustrating and annoying, and seriously, if it wasn't for my unassailable love for Teresa Lisbon and everything she chooses to be, I almost certainly would have stopped watching seasons ago.)

One, I love the actor who plays the cop who doesn't like Sherlock. That is the guy who was on Boston Legal, right? Among a million other things. I really like him. And somehow, despite my general hatred of tedious internal drama, I think I might like this plotline. Mainly because of the impacts on the Watson/Sherlock relationship. Because can we just talk about Watson, at the end of the episode, when Sherlock is all, [paraphrasing here] "I am an acerbic jerk, and I justify this because more often than not, it's handy for me with my work. And you're spectacular, so I'm willing to bend slightly for you, but for no one else, so don't even try to argue in their favour. And don't try to change me, because I won't, so you'll have to accept it." And she just goes, "Uh, yeah. No one would ever be okay with that forever." Just, that is so interesting. SO INTERESTING.

Seriously, well done show.

I love how you don't require the ship. Because I don't ship them (although I see why other people do). I just, I love how the relationship is portrayed. It's so nuanced. It's so fair to both characters. It's so equal. It's a genuine partnership. I watch it, and I see both of their perspectives. And I continue to be so impressed all of the time by how this show treats all of its characters. (To the extend that I'm willing to completely hand wave away how Sherlock/Gregson managed to get that warrant at the end of the last epidosde given that they would have had to throw out all previous interactions wiht Sherlock/Watson and serial-killer dude.)

Lastly, the world will forever need more Captain Gregson.

Oh, except that really lastly, I frankly adore how Watson's impulse, upon seeing serial-killer-dude at their appartment is just to call for Sherlock. Just, YES. Not because it's "Oh, I am a weak female and I need protection," but because it's clearly, "I AM BLAMING HIM AND HIS INABILITY TO PLAY NICE AND HE CAN BLOODY WELL DEAL WITH THE MURDERER ON THE FRONT PORCH." Capslock mine.

Although, much as I am curious about Mycroft (and his SECRET, SNEAKY PLAN), I could have dealt without the Joan-and-Mycroft-actually-slept-together plotline of last week. Mostly, because it resulted in too many people being anoying.

I have given up on Agents of SHIELD. It was mildly entertaining, but too many people were unlikeable. Fitz-Simmons and Mae were the best parts. Everyone else was blergh and cliched.

I have also decided to stop watching The Blacklist, much as I enjoy James Spader's voice. I just think that show is going to be too dark for me in the future, and too, "Maybe everyone is evil! Maybe!" I think I need a bit less conspiracy in my shows, maybe.

OH, also, can anyone advise if there's any point in me catching up on approximately a season to a season and a half of Castle? This is a genuine question. (I say this as a person who religiously watched for approximately 4.5 seasons..., and then fell behind)

So, Sleepy Hollow. I adore Tom Mison. A lot. I don't know when the last time I posted about this show was. But I am pretty much guaranteed to watch this show forever. Because there are plotlines involving the masons which result in Ichabod saying to Abbie at the end, "My ears will be forever open to your admonitions."

I mean, I would listen to Tom Mison read the phone book, but that, THAT. Just, YES.

And really, I honestly don't care about the mythology. To be honest, I'm a bit sketchy on it. But, I really enjoy the character dynamics. I LOVE how they are dealing with the captain (again, this is seriously probably influenced by my reaction to the Mentalist and the fact that on that show EVERYONE IS POTENTIALLY/PROBABLY EVIL/CORRUPT/MORALLY COMPROMISED ALL OF THE TIME. PARTICULARLY IF YOU ARE IN LAW ENFORCEMENT). I love how he didn't quite believe them, and then he saw the headless horseman, and was like, "Well, hellfire, but okay, I AM ON BOARD. Because I am a good guy. And not evil, but was understandably sceptical before, and was keeping sort-of-secrets, mainly because I wanted to get this random head scientifically tested in hopes of finding another explanation (AS YOU WOULD). But since seeing the headless man (and being awesome and competent and trying to SHOOT him), that is out the window."

I really enjoyed that. I enjoy that he is sort of extended team now. And that he brought in Abbie's sister. I liked their dynamic.

Also, I *loved* him and Abbie poking Ichabod about all the stuff that has come out about Thomas Jefferson recently. HEH. Heh. Seriously, gold. And her, "I don't want to kick you while you're down, but he stole your quote." Also, Ichabod v. the internet. YES. And Abbie telling the tour guide that he hadn't taken his medication, when Ichabod tried to correct facts about Jefferson/Paul Revere.

I mean, I am less sure how I feel about the whole, "MY ex-best-friend is now the horseman of death" subplot. Also, the whole Katrina being the key.

On the one hand, the best friend thing is trite. But on the other hand, my objection to the Katrina thing was that she has, in the past, been only used for exposition and that's problematic. And now, I'm wondering at my annoyance, because theoretically, this is a chance for the character to be developped for something useful. However, her being the prize for the horseman... I don't know. I still am not fully invested in Ichabod/Katrina. I think that's the problem. I think it's a result of the strength of this show being the character interactions (and the fact that I would willingly listen to Tom Mison walk around making awesome statements, no plot required), particularly in the present. I don't know. I'm more interested in the two witnesses, and the captain, and the Mills sisters.

I am not interested in Katrina in her prison.

I am not saying I could not become so, but... It's not that I don't want to get behind Katrina/Ichabod as a ship, but they need to make Katrina more interesting in the present. At this point, she's not so much a character as a plot device for me, and that's problematic. Plus, I don't enjoy her characterization as the thing that's come between Ichabod and the horseman, because that makes her feel like a plot device and not a person.

Seriously, more Captain Irving and Jenny Brooks, and more Abbie and Andy Brooks OR Detective Morales. And always more Ichabod and Abbie and Ichabod v. the 20th century.

Also, the previous episode is the first time I've liked Abbie and Jenny when they've been interacting together. And I really liked them. Mainly the part when Abbie was describing the headless horseman trying to shoot her with an AK-47, and how a lot has happened in the last week. This is the Mills sisters that I want. I don't want the stupid I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THE PAST stuff. I just, I don't want the guilt hanging over them, and the attemtps to manipulate, using that guilt. Because Abbie was a kid, and I think honestly, denying seeing a demon is just sensible.

But if they continue to use Jenny as the expert on the mythology stuff, and where relevant artifacts might be located, and less as the person who continuously snipes at her sister for making a "mistake" when she was 14, I will be so pleased.

And more Ichabod being eloquent and saying things in his wonderful, wonderful voice.

The mythology is just the scaffolding this show requires to exist. I don't care about it. I'm sorry, but I don't. I don't think that makes me a bad person.

The Mentalist. Blergh.

Seriously, Blergh. (And I realized, I should state categorically that I haven't seen the episode that is supposed to air tomorrow, Nov. 24th, aka Red John.) I just... "The Blake Association?" SERIOUSLY? That is the worst name for a secret association that I have ever heard.

And the problem I have with it mostly, is given the past two episodes, it makes no sense for Lisbon to have a job during them. During the last two. How would Bertram not have fired her?

And new FBI dude is tedious. And I feel like he does not bode well for the rest of the series. Not only because my only hope for the second half of the season was that it would result in Lisbon going to LaRoche for support (because at this point, he is one of the few characters, other than Hightower that I don't think is involved). And I would *love* to see LaRoche and Lisbon set things right. And FBI dude thwarted that.

Also, as spyglass_ and I decided, you *would* make everyone walk around in a sleeveless shirt at this point.

Plus, Bertram was stupidly predictable as RJ, if he is RJ. I'm not sure that he is. I don't trust anything this show tells me anymore.

I just, I don't think that whatever resolution this show chooses to provide this week will be sufficient.

Show, you are lucky that I will watch this show as long as Robin Tunney is on it. Because otherwise... Honestly, I spent almost the entire last episode muttering to myself.

They have made too many people evil. They have made the conspiracy too all-encompasing. I have lost interest. Why isn't it over? Because if there were genuinely this many people implicated, the simplest solution would be to kill Lisbon and her team and cover it up, AS YOU COULD IF YOU HAD THAT BIG A NETWORK. WHy isn't it over?

Stiles and Halfner were the only to RJ suspects that were remotely interesting and stupid-show blew them up!

Seriously, if next week doesn't resolve a large chunk of this crap...

If I wasn't so emotionally invested in the whole Jane/Lisbon relationship, I'd have bailed years ago. I'm not kidding.

Also, I am stealing a meme from hondagirll, in which you pick a day in December and a topic and I'll write about it. It can be anything topic from fictional character to books to personal questions to top 5's etc. YOU ASK AND I WILL WRITE IT!!!!

This meme is handy, because I feel like I'm more likely to ramble than write fic this year. Given that I didn't finish all of my fic requests from last year (I am genuinely sorry if you requested one and I dind't end up writing it - I know I am terrible...). I feel like rambling is more likely. I am good at the rambling. I really am (as this entry should prove).

Also, I should state, that I am not opposed to writing fic for people if they want it. I am willing to try, provided you are okay with maybe not getting it on your given day. So, if you want a fic, give me a pairing and a prompt and I will try to write you a one-shot. I make no promises as to a day if you request fic, though I will try.

And seriously, anyone can ask.

December 1
December 2
December 3
December 4
December 5 - little_firestar Top five books of all time.
December 6
December 7
December 8 - myr_soleil Talk about a good childhood memory.
December 9
December 10 - katayla Elementary Rambles
December 11 - spyglass_ TBD
December 12
December 13
December 14
December 15 - beth_shulman Favourite science fiction/fantasy
December 16
December 17
December 18 - funbol Top five shows, plus favourite scene/episode/moment/whatever
December 19
December 20
December 21
December 22
December 23
December 24
December 25
December 26
December 27
December 28
December 29
December 30
December 31

I think that's it for me.

/This post may or may not have been influenced by red wine....

sleepy hollow, mentalist, meme, elementary

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