Drive by posting that should be longer but probably isn't going to be...

Mar 15, 2013 01:20

Because I haven't updated in a while, a quick update:

Well, it was better than the last one. Objectively, not a bad episode, not a bad episode at all. I did like that in spite of the episode summary, they didn't try and pretend that Lisbon didn't absolutely *know* that Jane helped free Lorelei from prison. That I liked. I also thought the idea of having Lorelei committ a crime and put Lisbon in a quandry through Jane an interesting premise. Jane had seriously drunk the crazy!juice in this episode. I could have done with that toned down a bit.

I really, really enjoyed:
Jane: "Let me help."
Lorelei: "No. I've done terrible things, unforgiveable things. You and me are on different roads I hope."
I wrote a fic based on that very concept a few months ago. I was pleased.

And the Jane/Lisbon confrontation was fabulous, where she threatened to turn him in, essentially, and yelled at him about limits to her patience with his crap (essentially). Three seasons too late, but good. And then, her reactions in the scene with Bertram were fabulous. Lisbon's feeling betrayed by her partner. And uncertain of what he'll do. She's not sure she can save him, my poor Lisbon. I hope the ultimatum comes back.

Lastly, I think they made a serious error in killing of Lorelei. For so many reasons. The main one being, Jane knowing he's competing with someone to get to RJ first is SERIOUSLY INTERESTING. Especially if they have a head start. It's way more interesting than what we got. I also love the idea of the women around Jane trying to protect him from himself (see quote above). And Lorelei was an interesting character. NOt to mention, now that she is dead, WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THAT ARC? The only guy who knows who RJ is, is in a coma in Homeland Security's custody. So again, we ahve made absolutely NO PROGRESS on the RJ front. If anything, Jane has gone back about ten steps. The only thing is that he knows he's shaken hands with RJ. I just want progress on the RJ arc. If I'm going to have to sit through the tedious thing for four episodes a season, can something materially change, EVER? Beyond, "Oh, and in spite of our plan coming this!close, we have NO NEW INFORMATION." Blergh. So very blergh.

And don't come back at me with, "But the scene between Bertram and Homeland Security Dude was suspicious." Because it's not like they weren't already high up on the suspect list anyway.

THat said, I want to rewatch some of the J/L scenes, because those were super-good. And RT's hair was awesome.

SIGH. The Caroline episode was laughable. Just, not good. And they didn't even bother to have Lizzie straight up refuse to consider Darcy as a potential partner. She just evaded the question like mad, so what was the point? And I'm sorry, but it is ridiculous to imply that Lizzie manipulated Bing into returning, and Caroline knows it. The character's supposed to be super-manipulative and subtle (and is in the first half). That ep was just a massive anvil of HUH? And an inneffective one at that. Much like the rest of the last third, unnecessary, and if they were going to do it, didn't go far enough.

I did kinda like todays, mostly because the impressions were amusing. I particularly liked Charlotte. Not only were the vocal mannerisms spot on, but the "Charlotte costume" sign was the funniest thing this show's done in weeks. That said, it also really hammered home to me how underdevelopped Lizzie/Darcy was, so... glass half full?

Since everyone else seems to be watching this show, I thought I would give it a try too. Because I'm independent like that. I'm behind everyone else. I've only watched 1.01 and 1.02. I don't dislike it. I could see it growing on me. I'm not super attached yet either. Aeryn is obviously my favourite. BUT I DEMAND MORE VIOLENCE. I was told she liked punching people in the face. I WAS PROMISED PUNCHING IN THE FACE. That said, I did really enjoy the scene between her and the blue priestess woman in 1x02. Thus far, the most interesting relationship to me.

OH THIS SHOW. It continues to be quite well done. They're not going with a traditional characterization of Sherlock in a lot of ways. But I continue to really like what they are doing. I don't have a lot to say about this episode, just that I really enjoyed it. I was glad to see Sherlock's sponsor again. Such an interesting character. It pleases me that we've already seen that Watson has other, female friends (AGAIN, Mentalist, TAKE NOTE. PEOPLE HAVE THESE, NO MATTER HOW MUCH THEY WORK). Friends who are concerned about this apparently abrupt career change. Loved that phone call at the end when Emily realized what was going on. My favourite parts of the episode though, were when Sherlock was excited about Watson introducing herself as a "consulting detective, you haven't done that before" complete with a bounce on his heels. And also, the fact that he called his sponsor in to relieve her so she could meet her friends, because he is cognizant that she has a life, and understands that even though he doesn't, that might not be what's best for her. And really, I just enjoyed their dynamic.

Also enjoyed the scene between Gregson and Sherlock. I want more Gregson and Sherlock scenes. MORE GREGSON. Other than that, awesome. I continue to enjoy this show.

And I continue to be unspeakably behind on Castle.

And I am in the middle of three books at the moment. Go me. It probably doesn't help that I keep having an urge to rewatch the Newsroom.

farscape, lizzie bennet diaries, mentalist, elementary

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