Rarewomen Dear Author Letter

Feb 28, 2013 00:30

Here is my current rarewomen letter.

Fandoms I'm requesting are: The Newsroom, Haven, Elementary, Much Ado About Nothing and Practical Magic

Dear Author,

Thank you for writing me fic! I am sure it will be wonderful, whatever you write. Please feel free to consider the details of the letter below as suggestions. If you have other ideas that you would rather write, that is totally fine with me. On the other hand, I have tried to provide some guidance below, if you prefer working with a prompt. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me on my LJ.

I do have a few general guidelines of things I like/dislike in fic.

Gen is always fine. I'm cool with all ratings as well. Romance is welcome if you're so inclined. Not a huge fan of slash or femslash, mostly because I tend to prefer canon pairings. Het is fine, though again I tend to stick to canon pairings (I'll specify ships for each fandom if it's an issue). AUs (for the most part) are fine if you're so inclined (one exception being, please do not write me "All the characters are suddenly in high school" fic). I also tend to love cliche-fic, particularly if it's slightly non-traditional in some way, or just slightly different. But if you want to write two characters getting stuck in an elevator, or at a Christmas party, or their car breaks down, or whatever, that's cool. I love banter and dialogue and female friendships. I like fic about the little things in life. The strange coincidences that are funny or emotional or whatever. I love fluffy stories. I like angst as well, particularly when it's character or relationship driven. I am always a fan of humour. I like introspection and what-ifs. I like a lot of things. Probably best to just avoid the things I don't like in the paragraph below. Mostly, I just love strong female characters being competent. If you write a strong female character being competent, chances are I will love the fic, regardless of what it's about.

I do not like character death. I do not like abuse of any kind, or anything that's unbelievably dark. Emotional angst is fine, but I don't want to read about the character getting beat up in a fight and left for dead on the side of the road or something similar. It is probably also a good idea to steer clear of kidnapping fic (unless you have a really, really good idea), because it tends to annoy me. I am also generally un-spoiled, so if you've read spoilers for future seasons of television, I probably haven't.

As for specific fandoms:

The Newsroom: Mackenzie McHale, Maggie Jordan, Sloan Sabbath

Really, I would take almost anything related to the Newsroom. I have recently become obsessed with this show, and so would be happy to read pretty much any and all fic. My one caveat with this show is ships. I ship Mac/Will (like burning), so if you do write Mac and you want to make it a romance, please make it Mac/Will. I'm pretty ambivalent about Maggie/Jim and Maggie/Don, so if you want to write either, that's cool. Feel free to write neither. And the idea of Sloan/Don intrigues me.

Possible Prompts: I am seriously just going to toss out some ideas for inspiration. There are going to be a lot of them. For Mac, Mac mentoring Maggie. I love the scenes between them in the pilot, and it's a dynamic that I would love to see developped. I would also love to see more of Sloan and Mac's friendship, because I think it's hilarious. Maybe they just go out for drinks. Maybe they go out for drinks and Sloan gets Mac drunk and tries to get to the bottom of the Mac/Will scenario. Or, what made Mac come back? She said she wanted to work in a newsroom again. Why, specifically? Did she have a plan where Will was concerned? What was she expecting? Or Mac's thoughts during the whole Brian fiasco, or after the finale. Also, anything with Mac and Will, whether friendship or romance is fine too. I am open to a lot.

As far as Maggie is concerned, why is she so loyal to Will? What made her stay? Maybe she didn't want to work for Don anymore. How does she feel about the whole Don/Jim scenario. What is her relationship like with the other women in the newsroom, seeing as to date her storyline has been dominated by the male characters. I would also be up for Maggie/Neal friendship fic. Or really, as I metnioned, any scene between Mac and Maggie.

Sloan is such an interesting character. Her mind seems to work a little differently than a lot of people's. I would be up for Sloan/Will friendship fic. I love their relationship. Maybe Will finally makes good on his threat to set Sloan up on a terrible date. How does Sloan feel about Will's treatment of the friend she set him up with? How does Sloan feel about Don, particularly now that Don and Maggie are moving in together? Or after the episode where she's almost suspended. How does the lie affect her? And any Sloan/Mac friendship fic is awesome.

Haven: Audrey, Lucy, Sarah

I ship Nathan/Audrey, so that would be my preference if you're using a ship. I love Audrey and Duke's friendship though. I really don't have a ship for either of the other two, so I'm open to pretty much anything there. I just saw the S3 finale, so anything related to that would be excellent, involving any character. How does Audrey feel about Duke jumping after her? How did any or all of the three women deal with the barn or feel about the barn? What happens after the S3 finale? Does Audrey get back to Haven? Does she have her memories? Whose memories does she have? Are they only her own? Were Lucy or Sarah aware of the people they were before? To what extent? What do they remember? How did Sarah feel about being pregnant, particularly if she knew about her limited time in Haven? What did Lucy think about having a son? Or, how does Audrey relate to Vince and Dave given the events of the finale?

I would also be totally fine with fic about a typical day in Haven for any of the three of them. I really enjoy the town itself as well as the mythology of the show.

Much Ado About Nothing: Beatrice, Hero

I love this play. I love the women in this play. Anything you want to write about either of them is great with me. If you're writing ship, probably best to stick to Beatrice/Bennedick (though Hero/Claudio as a secondary thing or in the background is fine too). If you want to modernize (or AU) any part of the play, that's cool. And if you do write it, it doesn't have to be in period-appropriate language even if it's not modernized, as I recognize that is exceptionally difficult, though if you want to write it that way that's fine too. I'd love friendship!fic for the cousins. Or fic explaining what happened after, and how the weddings went. Or even just a snapshot of Beatrice and Bennedick's married life. Or a scene of them bickering about pointless (and not so pointless) things.

Elementary: Joan

I think Joan is an excellent character. If you're writing Joan/Sherlock, please stick to friendship though. I'm not sure how I feel about them romantically yet. I'd love backstory for Joan on any subject, her family, medical school, her years as a doctor, her first client as a sober companion... Or, alternatively, Joan solves her first case that isn't prompted by Sherlock. Or just an issue the two of them have given their living conditions. I would also be open to Joan meets a guy. How does that affect things? Really, anything with Joan would be fine. I would also be fine with anything related to the other feamle characters on this show, but couldn't think of anything specific to request, so I didn't include them specifically for matching.

Practical Magic: All (though my preference would be not Maria Owens, at least not as the sole focus)

I have less specifics about this one. I would prefer something that has to do with the family dynamics between the women. I love how they all relate to each other, the generations of Owens women. Anything to do with the family bonds between any of htem would be awesome, particularly the aunts and any of the younger generations, because I feel like that is less explored. Alternatively, how did they feel about magic? How do they feel about the town? How have things changed now that the curse is lifted?

And that marks the end of my rambling. If you have any questions, please let me know. But as I said, if you have an awesome idea that you think I'd like, feel free to ignore my suggestions. I love all of these characters. Really, my hope is that you have fun writing the fic. I'm sure it will be wonderful. Thank you again for writing for me!

history boys, the newsroom, rarewomen, haven, practical magic, elementary

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