Caught up on Elementary. Just in time for there to be no new episode this week, apparently. That is pretty much my life, in a nutshell. I don't think this post needs spoiler-tagging, but if you haven't scene the last three months of episodes, it might reveal some details (though very few specifics).
However, that show is really, really well-written. It just is.
I mainlined about six episodes in two days (which is a lot when work gets in the way).
I love how they ended up doing the Marcus Bell plotline. I just generally love Gregson. More Gregson and Watson scenes please!
I continue to adore Sherlock and Watson's relationship, and how she continues to call him on his crap.
I love how they continue to deal well with the issues surrounding addiction. (Sherlock as sponsor. Did not see that coming even a little.)
I really love that they have roosters now. That Watson is not feeding.
The return of Lestrade was even amusing. But not as awesome as Moriarity. That episode was just a gift, in oh so many ways. Moriarity's fascination with Joan pleases me beyond all reason. As did Sherlock holding her at the end of the episode as she explained why she hadn't killed an innocent man, because he would hate it. Also, I love that he hides her letters in amongst the bees.
I also watched The Mentalist on Sunday.
I ended up liking this pololine mroe than expected. THERE WAS NO CONSPIRACY. I am genuinely shocked. It was a good send-off for Rigsby and VP. VP got to be competent (although I did have to yell at her that obviously the other woman in the middle of nowhere was an acocmplice). There were quite a few charming team moments. It's not my favourite episode of the season, but I'm not mad at it. And they did manage to integrate Fischer in with everyone else this time. Which is what they should have done last week, but I digress. I enjoeyd it. I didn't love it. Still overwhelmingly pleased at the lack of new conspiracy. I'll take a mini-arc any day; even if I am still annoyed that this one involved LaRoche dying.
Mostly, I've been reading a lot and trying not to be crushed beneath the weight of an over-abundance of library books.