May 19, 2004 15:44
ok my mother decided to freak out cause I mentioned something about live journal and she's convinced it's a chatline and I'm talking to all these strangers who are out to get me. She was yelling and screaming and throwing a fit, so I told her I'd make my lj friends only. I can understand her not wanting me to put like my city or school or last name or picture or something like that, but when I don't even say what province I'm from or anything..... right so now I'm going through and making everything except like muffin jokes friends only and deleting any comments that have my first name in them. I'm now... well I dunno I'm now nameless at the moment but I'll make up a name later so not even my first name is on here and she can't complain. she really is a nutcase, but I only have to deal with this for another year, so w/e. so yeah if you do live in Canada, please don't refer to my username in association with my real first name or my username in association with where I live even on comments. She's a psycho I know, but we must appease her appetite for control... I think I'm too mature and responsible and taking too good of care of myself, so she's floundering for ways to stay in control. She even told my best friend's mom that Lizzie's a bad influence on me cause she "made me a vegetarian" and stuff... lol.