(no subject)

May 09, 2007 09:22

A klaxon was blaring through the bulk of the Red Dwarf. It seemed almost loud enough to seep out of the walls, drift out into space, and be heard in spite of the vacuum.

“Intruder alert. Intruder alert. There’s an intruder. And I’m alerting you.”

The combination of the klaxon and the unruffled, feminine voice of Holly were more than enough of an alert for Dave Lister, who was sound asleep at the time it all started. With a snort, an unheard yell, and a flailing of limbs, he tumbled out of his bunk, dragging his blankets behind like a comet drags a tail. Even as he struggled to his feet and nursed his (long in a coma, but occasionally awakened) dignity, the Cat joined him. As always, Cat was perfectly coifed, even in the middle of the night. His scarlet satin dressing gown covered white linen pajamas, and his hair was in curlers, so as to be perfect on the coming dawn.

The Cat made a gesture at Lister, with his lips moving. He was screaming, screaming to be heard over the din of the alarm. Lister couldn’t understand a word. So he screamed back. The two spent a good twenty seconds yelling at each other, which mostly consisted of the words ‘What?!’ and ‘I can’t hear you!’

Finally realizing the futility of this, they turned, yelling at Holly.

“I’m sorry, I can’t turn off the alarm until you’ve been alerted, Dave.”

All three, human, feline and computer, seemed to come to the same conclusion after a beat, because Lister and the Cat started yelling again, just as Holly mercifully shut off the noise.

This was how Rimmer found them, yelling at Holly in a suddenly ringing silence, while the computer made odd faces and looked shifty, as she was wont to do after a particularly stupid misstep. Rimmer was in his regulation Space Corps pajamas, and his usual drilled and chiseled wavy hair was mussed. He'd apparently fallen asleep outside their shared quarters, more than likely in the ship's library.

“Lister, what the smeg is going on? And try to explain without using the words ‘dunnow, Rimmer’ if you don’t mind?”

The last human being alive slumped down onto the lower bunk, and rubbed at his face, dirty fingernails scraping down his cheeks, leaving odd marks as they passed. Closer inspection would reveal the marks to be ancient, dried curry sauce. Closer inspection would be unwise. Kryten the mechanoid entered the room at that point, still screwing his head on properly. Everybody’s rest was interrupted tonight, it would seem.

“Holly said it was an intruder alert. Other than that...” Lister raised a middle finger and aimed it at Rimmer. “…Dunnow, Rimmer.”

Rimmer looked momentarily terrified at this news (but not the middle finger), and swallowed. Then, it was gone as his eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Holly, is this an intruder along the lines of the last one? Where your sensors were malfunctioning and you had us gallivant down into the cargo decks, armed to the teeth with bazookoids, chasing down one of Lister’s socks?”

Holly looked chagrined, her blonde bob swinging as she shook her head in denial. “No, I swear. There’s an actual intruder on board this time.”

“I say we grab our bazookoids, set ‘em to stun, and go get whatever it is!”

“A marvelous idea, Mister Cat, with two small drawbacks,” piped up Kryten for the first time. “One, our bazookoids don’t have a stun setting, and two, our bazookoids are in the weapons bay. Which is where our intruder is currently located.”

“That’s put a crimp in an otherwise damn fine plan,” sighed the Cat, who petted his lapels absently back into place.

“Our intruder’s in the weapon’s bay? How’d they get there? It’s in the middle of the ship! Holly would’ve seen ‘em get in, right Hol?” asked Lister, looking both perplexed and worried. A stranger with access to all their weapons would not be a good way to spend the night.

“In theory, yes,” nodded the computer. “If they got in via an ore sample pod or sommat. But this was different.”

“How different?” demanded Rimmer.

“Well, for one thing, she didn’t come in on an ore sample pod.”

There was a long, long pause as all four men on board the Dwarf pondered the implications of what Holly had just said. Lister was the first to give it voice, his tone quiet and croaking.

“Holly...did you just say she?”

“Well, yeah. S’what I’d call a woman laying unconscious in our weapons bay.”

And then Holly realized that she was talking to an empty bunk; all four of the men, even Kryten, had taken off running to the weapons bay to see this mysterious thing of legend. A woman. On the Red Dwarf!

Oh, dear.


Lister was the fastest; he palmed open the outer door and stammered out his override code to get past the inner door. A series of boxes and crates blocked his view, creating a maze of ammo and guns. He dodged and jinked through them, giving his shin a painful knock on the corner of a crate as he ran to the center of the room.

Sure enough, lying in the middle of the floor, face up, was a blonde woman. She was unconscious, as advertised, wearing a pair of old-fashioned, 20th century blue jeans, a black t-shirt, and boots. Her arms and legs were flung out around her at odd angles, but none appeared to be broken. Her hair was similarly flung out, hiding her face, substituting for the puddle of blood that could accompany a person in such a state. She truly looked as if she’d fallen from some height, and had been caught in the middle of her fall by some unforgiving concrete. But the absence of blood and broken bones made that impossible.

Her lips were tinged with blue, her skin ice cold, and her breathing so shallow as to be non-existent. Lister knew this because he’d already slid onto his knees next to her, taking her pulse, looking her over.

Without a second thought, Lister shrugged out of his coat and wrapped it around her upper torso, pushing her hair off of her face. It was then that he got rather a nasty shock; their female intruder was remarkably beautiful. He’d not dared to hope for it, but it seemed as if all his wishing and praying had finally solidified. A real woman. A really BEAUTIFUL woman.

“Kryten, get a stretcher, she’s ice cold.”

For once, the boys of the Dwarf did not fall into their bickering and backbiting ways, arguing a problem to death while everything fell apart around them. Perhaps it was the tone of Lister’s voice. Perhaps it was the prospect of having a woman aboard. Perhaps it was shock. Whatever the reason, they moved.

Several moments later, they were all crowded into the medibay around the woman, Lister looking down in concern, the Cat looking down with stunned lust, Rimmer looking flat out disgusted, and Kryten was too busy being busy to look at her. He was reading her vital signs.

A silver, thermal blanket was already wrapped around her, and her lips were starting to return to their normal color. The rest of her, though, was inadvertently showing off some flashes of female curves and soft squidgy bits under tight a tight t-shirt as she turned in her sleep, which caused Lister and the Cat to sigh, Rimmer to huff, and Kryten to roll his eyes so hard they almost fell out.

"Look at 'er. She's gorgeous," whispered Lister. "How did she end up here?"

"Weeell," drawled Holly from her monitor. "Remember a few weeks back when we met Ace Rimmer?"

"Of course we do, and some of us wish we could remove said memories with steel wool applied directly to our medulla oblongatas," snarled Rimmer. He had an odd look on his face, and it had nothing to do with the mention of his Space Hero Alternate. He was looking at the woman with barely disguised loathing, much to the confusion of Lister. Had Rimmer finally gone space crazy, for him to be disgusted by a beautiful woman?

"Well, yes," continued Holly. "Y'see, when Ace Rimmer made his dimension jump, he left behind trace, um, thingies. In space, you see. Which I can pick up on and go 'oooh, lookit the thingies, there sure are a lot of 'em!'"

"Holly...?" prompted Lister gently. "Thingies in space, right. What does that have to do with her?"

"The levels of thingies are about nine hundred percent higher than when Ace dropped in on us. She's from another dimension, and from another time."

"Pish, tosh, and nonsense," came Rimmer's voice. "Isn't it obvious what's actually going on here? Isn't it as plain as the nose on my face?"

"Buddy, I wouldn't call your nose plain, I'd call it downright homely!" was the Cat's input. Oh, Cat.

"Go cough up a hairball, you stupid moggie. No, Lister. This isn't a poor and helpless traveler from another dimension. It's too pat. It's too perfect. A gorgeous woman, unconscious, who's lying in an ever-so-provocative pose on our weapon's bay floor?"

"Yeh. Seen weirder, too. It's about time we had something go right for us." Lister found himself having a hard time taking his eyes off her.

"That's exactly my point, Lister! We are, and let's be totally frank, bigger trouble magnets than a group of football hooligans at a plate glass window and tippable car exposition." Rimmer pointed a finger at the unconscious blonde, like an old time prophet of yore bringing doom and wrath upon some hapless soul. "Whatever she is, she needs to be off the ship. RIGHT now!"

"What do you mean, whatever she is? She's a girl! I know it's been a while, Rimmer, but you do remember girls, don't you?"

"I wouldn't be so sure that she is, Lister," said Rimmer ominously. Of course, Rimmer sounded about as ominous as a commercial featuring a talking cartoon mascot.

Lister threw his hands up in disgust. "All right then, Rimmer. Please, enlighten me. Tell me what she is. I'm quite interested in your crackpot theory!"

"Aliens," pronounced the hologram.

"Smeggin' hell!" moaned Lister, who slumped back against the bulkhead, his palm slapped against his forehead.

"Goal-Post Head, you're crazy," said the Cat, raising a perfectly manicured and mown eyebrow. "Aliens starred Sigourney Weaver, and she's a brunette, not a blonde!"

Both Lister and Rimmer gave the Cat a glare for that.

"It's always aliens with you, innit? Look, you heard Holly. She's from another dimension. She's human."

"That's her handy disguise to lure you into a false sense of security, Lister," sniffed Rimmer. "She makes herself the perfect vision of feminine beauty, and the next thing you know, her face rips open and she's slurping up your brains through a straw."

Lister just stared blankly at Rimmer for a moment, and then shook his head. "Yeah, you wish. It'd be the only thing you'd ever get slurped by her, anyway."

Rimmer went a peculiar shade of red and sneered. "That's disgusting, Lister. You're so puerile. Is sex really all you can think of at a time like this?"

Lister looked back down at the blonde and blinked.

"Yeah, now that you mention it, it is."

"I'm with you," sighed Cat. Then he looked up slyly. "Hey, aren't you supposed to loosen the clothes of an unconscious person?" Then he waggled his eyebrows and licked his lips.

"Cat," said Lister warningly.

"Just sayin'!" smiled Cat innocently.

"I'm warning you, Lister. The moment she wakes up, she'll be in contact with the mother ship, and then we're all charming appetizers, with carved carrot roses in our ears."

"As much as I hate to admit it, Mister Rimmer may be on to something, there," interrupted Kryten for the first time, his voice cool but slightly nervous. He held up his mediscanner and showed it to them all. "Our visitor has the external appearance and most of the organs of a human being. However, there are some, erm, anomalies that require close inspection."

"What?!" exclaimed Lister, leaning in to read the results. Oh, smegging hell, first supposedly real woman in three million years, and she's actually a freak. He should have known.

Rimmer looked supremely smug, and folded his arms across his chest. "Told you so, Lister."

"Shut up, Rimmer. What is it, Kryten?"

"Our unexpected visitor has a small, organic something in her rib cage. It almost looks parasitic, as it's wrapped quite thoroughly around her spinal column. It's alive, but not doing anything other than being there. The rest of her physiology is perfectly normal, no mutations there. But...there's something else that's really making my logic circuits melt into jelly, and I have no idea how to explain it."

Lister saw the scan of her body, and the little red spot in her ribs that announced that 'parasite.' He'd never seen anything like it, and blinked, swallowed. "Give it a try, Kryten."

"This young lady's blood is saturated with nanotechnology." Kryten's angular face was washed in the green-red glow of the scanner, and he looked almost worried. "Nanotechnology that originated with Diva Droid, Int'l. Nanotechnology that...originated within my own infrastructure."

"...In English, Kryten?" said Lister, glancing back and forth between the blonde and the mechanoid.

"She has my self-repair nanobots in her bloodstream. There's no mistaking them; they even have my serial number ident."

"How is that possible?" breathed Lister. "She just got here."

"I don't know. It's quite a corker, in the vernacular."

"They've been studying us!" exclaimed Rimmer, the armies of paranoia goose-stepping through his skull. "They stole your nanobots somehow, made a perfect woman, but couldn't hide her true alienness! Space her!"

"Shut UP, Rimmer!"

"You're s'ch a sm'ghead, Rimm'r."

All four men went absolutely still. Then, as one, they turned to the unconscious blonde. She had turned again in her sleep, and had made the mumbled announcement as to what she thought of the hologram second technician.

"Did she just say what I think she just said?" asked Lister, his eyes wide.

The other three nodded.

Lister's face cracked into an enormous grin and he laughed.

"She stays. Anybody who knows Rimmer's a smeghead isn't out to eat our brains."

((Yeeeeeup, Hips is back with the boys on the Dwarf! She's stuck here for a while. This is like a needle in a haystack sort of search, after all: infinite realities, infinite variations on just ONE theme. Yeah. Wrap your head around that, if you can. Lord knows I can't.

There's going to be some fun time has no meaning yay stuff going on here, too. As this plot unfolds, you'll see why. The posts I'll be writing until the plot ends are going to be fic posts, no real room for interaction, but...um. Feel free to leave me feedback! :D! >_>))

red dwarf, lost in space

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