Well crap...

May 13, 2007 02:03

So it's now 2 am and I still haven't started that letter for my mom! And now I'm distracting myself further by posting here about it instead of actually writting the damn thing!
God I am the worst procrastinator!
I even finished a fic I hadn't read in years but it finally ended so I caught myself up on the last few chapters.
I am so fucking tired. The last thing I want to do is try and come up with something meaningful and profound and sappy and blah for my mom!
Ugh, why do I do this to myself?!
I should have just sucked it up and written the damn thing days ago so I wouldn't be here now stressing about it! I could have taken my time, thought of something good to say, now I'm gonna have to breeze through it and bullshit! God I feel like I'm back in school and I've didn't do my homework!
Okay I'm actually gonna write it this time!
And now I have no lined paper! I hate writing without lines! Crap, I must find some! And of course Amanda is asleep so she cant help me!
Haha, I didn't need her! Hooray for me being a compulsive journal writer and having 500 notebooks around!!
Zomg, some of my old fics are in here... jebus! Some parts were written on my math homework! Haha, I wonder why I did so bad in school!
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