I'm sure it's been done before, but I bloody wanted to do it. So there. Also it's been an AGE since I've done fanart that wasn't of friends' characters, so why not?
This is Altaïr, main character from Assassin's Creed. He's a bit bloody awesome. Also a complete dickhead, but that's why I love him :D So yeah. When you see sparrows perched on the edge of a building while you're running along rooftops, that means you can run at that spot at full pelt and go WHEEEEEE over the edge, safe in the knowledge that there's a haystack on the ground to keep you from death. It took me a while to trust the sparrows >>
The one-armed bloke is Malik, who is one-armed pretty much because of Altaïr. I had any number of snide replies he could've made to Altaïr's comment, but left him blank. Malik has a fantastic face <3 Hook nose and scary eyebrows <3!
...Don't try and zoom out on the whole picture. You'll notice how completely off the perspective on the buildings is, and nobody wants that.
Altaïr Ibn La'Ahad and Malik Al-Sayf © Ubisoft