Welp, I'm getting a new car. Well, it's not new. It's in Pompano Beach, Florida. I'm gonna end up paying $800 of it, but after I saw my grades from this semester, I don't mind. Since my mom's employed by USA, I get half of my tuition back if I pass my classes. That should pretty much cover it. And, if that's not enough, the paycheck that I'll be getting Friday will cover the rest. I'm either leaving tonight, or early tomorrow morning. So, that should put me coming back home late tomorrow night, or Wednesday some time. Travis, if you're reading this (I doubt you are), I'm sorry I didn't get to hang out with you more. We'll hang out later in the summer. Well, the next time you see me, I shouldn't be driving the old purple nurple, as Adam (I think) so affectionately named it.
Hasta luego, Alabama.
Here's a link to pictures/specs of the car: