(no subject)

Mar 20, 2007 17:49


s'been a long time, my loves.
i come bearing pictures!

some very candid, very unpretty :) pictures from hemp fest in connecticut. i mostly hung out in the bathroom and drank beer cause i'm cool like that. or lame like that. whichever, really.



expressing my love for greg.

i sat in this bigass red chair acting like an asshole while greg took pictures of me. this big lady came up to me and asked me to take a look at her naval piercing (which was rejecting like mad). in this shot i'm probably saying "aw, hun. you've got to get that out of there! you need a longer barbell!" and she was probably saying "ain't it cyoooot though?" she was actually really nice, just a little dumb.

then we went back to gregs dorm. i drank beer and was entertained by a bunch of kids on e. one of which was a really awesome girl that lives in boston. sw33t.
the kid that took this picture was horribly obnoxious. he thought he was witty, but there's a fine line between sarcasm and stupidity. and he was just really stupid.

connecticut was a nice break. i only ended up going to one party. i was already completely wasted upon arrival, so after making small talk with a few crappy people, dancing to a few crappy songs, and drinking a few crappy cups of cheap rum and cranberry juice, my body couldn't do anything but sit and chainsmoke. i asked greg if we could go back to his dorm, and so we did. that was friday night. i don't really remember much of anything else because after that night i drank consecutively until coming back home. which is funny.


it's grown quite a bit since then, but i don't have any (clothed, haha) pictures.

i finally got to a 4ga. i went from a 20ga., 10ga., 8ga., 6ga. (for a night), then to a 4ga. in a month. i realize that i really should stop rushing it. not only is it stupid to rush it because the tissue will thin out, i risk tearing it, etc. but because i feel a big point of it is that it takes patience and time. it's something you work for and really want permanantly. it's like you "grow with your gauge". hahaha. LAMEHEAD. anyway, it's getting biggahr. slowly but surely.

labret. spur of the moment piercing. you can see my fuzzies. attractive. :)

i got mad love for my pink wig. when i wear it out, gangsta chicks look at me like i owe them money. i just smile and act like i'm hot shit.

there's a lot more piercings in the works, 10 or so. but i want to keep them all a surprise. :)
my poor mother is going to have herself a little heart attack, bless her.



st. patricks day was aight. greg was visiting his friend alicia (the chick that was rolling face in connecticut) and i. i met up with them at some party and was instantly greeted by a very flamboyant young man named gabriel. gabriel thanked me for attending his party, complimented my septum ring, and offered me tea, tater tots, and/or a beer.

now for some reason, i have no idea why, i cocked my head to the side and said "oh! i just love tater tots!". i was later handed a huge ass bowl of tater tots and i felt obligated to eat it. after chugging 3 beers this seemed near impossible to me. i took one bite, chatted with some strangers, and walked into a room where two lameheads were making out. they looked at me and were like "get out!! omgzz!!!". i laughed and purposely took my time shutting the door. i found this all funny. i walked around more and ran into gabriel. i asked him about his tattoos so he took me into his room to explain them at length. LORDY. then he got all sad-drunk and started telling me REALLY personal things. i listened, didn't know exactly how to react, and then told him he was strong and that i had to leave. greg, alicia, and i peaced and went to alicias dorm. a new friend joined us along the way...although i don't recall his name. he was cool though. we watched some canadian television show on dvd and took shots of vodka.

that was pretty much it. i had fun though, i usually do when i'm with greg. i love him a whole shitload.

OKAY. i talked your ears off.

here's a video my friend joel put together. (haha, i'm not that vain)
i'm singing "why don't you do right". so jessica rabbit. only blacker. enjoy!

have a wonderful day everybody!

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