5. [ locked from Kanaya ]

May 29, 2011 21:17

Woooooooow, this is just a day for relationships!
Karkat, are you shitting yourself in joy yet????????
Rolling around in a pile of shitty movies going "OOH, OOH, PICK ME, I CAN SOLVE ALL YOUR FUCKING INTERPERSONAL DISASTERS!"
Shoving your 8one 8ulge of caring down everyone's chitinous windholes.

Wow, what was I going to post a8out? Oh, right.

So first off everyone apparently figured out Kanaya pitied me ages ago.
Wow, guys! Congratulations on 8eing stupid lousy goddamn jerkoffs.
I 8et you all had tons of fun laughing 8ehind my 8ack a8out it!
Ughhhhhhhh anyway what happens now?
I mean we're not moirals any more and I don't pity her 8ack 8ut... I dunno, it seems pretty stone cold retarded to just ignore her all the time!
8ut she's kiiiiiiiinda pissed at me I think. Actually really pissed!
So? Come on, I've got my note taking pen all ready to take down whatever insuffera8le paragraphs you wanna throw at me!
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