thats n0t what i was g0ing t0 say i was g0ing t0 say that if y0u d0nt want t0 deal with tavr0ss injury y0u might have n0t paralyzed him in the first place and then deliberately changed y0ur mind at the last minute and j0ined his team deliberately t0 be his server player
UGHHHHHHHH DO YOU EVER LISTEN TO YOURSELF YOU'RE the one who ch8nged the teams!!!!!!!! We had a PL8N, remem8er???????? We were gonna 8e co-leaders! 8nd why would I EVER deli8erately 8e his server player? Karkat made me! I didn't even want to 8e on this lame cripple team of jerks and weenies! You are UN8ELIEVA8LE!!!!!!!!
um, but, vriska. there's this thing, you know, with cripples! and they kind of... can't walk. he would probably like to walk, a lot. but it is impossible.
Comments 158
[clearly this whole "client player" thing is randomized]
Does that game really have adventures and monsters? From what other people are saying it just sounds like a lot of building.
It took me like no time to get him to the second g8!
AND my 8uilding was way cooler than everyone else's. ::::)
but its pr0bably t00 late f0r that
I got enough of that from Kanaya already!
i was g0ing t0 say that if y0u d0nt want t0 deal with tavr0ss injury
y0u might have n0t paralyzed him in the first place
and then deliberately changed y0ur mind at the last minute
and j0ined his team
deliberately t0 be his server player
just saying
YOU'RE the one who ch8nged the teams!!!!!!!! We had a PL8N, remem8er???????? We were gonna 8e co-leaders!
8nd why would I EVER deli8erately 8e his server player? Karkat made me! I didn't even want to 8e on this lame cripple team of jerks and weenies!
You are UN8ELIEVA8LE!!!!!!!!
it is kind of mean to expect him to climb stairs, though.
but cool that you built him a rocket car!
there's this thing, you know, with cripples!
and they kind of... can't walk.
he would probably like to walk, a lot. but it is impossible.
He's too scared to try!
That's why I have to 8uild stairs and stuff, you know. To toughen him up!
Anyway, the rocket car was just the first step ::::)
I Cant Wait
It's super annoying!!!!!!!!
I have too m8ny irons in the fire to 8e worrying a8out your doom and gloom! >::::(
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