Hello, and welcome to my first recap for h50_daily!
fprintmoon is kindly allowing me to help as a mod for this community. I hope this goes well so I can write more of these, and maybe make some other contributions. I love Hawaii Five-0!!
And now for the recap!
Definitely a more serious episode, but it had good points.
Warning: Even with the heavy themes of this episode, there may be some silliness ahead! :D
First, I would like to give Steve a great big hug!!! The poor guy looked so worn out and sad! Honestly, for once I have no ulterior motive about wanting to fondle touch be close to him. I really do feel sorry for him. But...because I’m incorrigible…he still manages to look quite hot even when he’s tired, doesn’t he? Blue shirts forever!
Some of the Hawaiian scenery in this episode was spectacular! Let’s hear some applause for whoever it is that decides on these shots and the cameraman! Yay!
The story opens with teenagers having a party on the beach. One of the perks of living in Hawaii! One guy shows up late and tells his friends that his girlfriend's been grounded but he doesn't know why. The friends go to her house to get her, but after climbing into her bedroom window, they discover something horrible. She's dead! They thought she was sleeping, but....I would still be having nightmares if I’d been there.
Joe, how did you know that was the Yakuza following you and Chin? Maybe it was one of your ex-wives?? Ever think of that? I have this idea that Joe's ex-wives are all spies or assassins or something equally daunting.
Anyway, I was happy to hear Chin try to talk some sense into Joe and reason out the situation a little. He’s the reasonable guy in this season, isn’t he? It was nice how he tried talked to Steve about it later in the show. Just hoping he could talk some sense into someone.
Have you noticed how much more sophisticated Kono looks lately? Her hair is more styled and her clothes are more professional and dressy? She’s not the surfer-turned-rookie-cop. She’s a police officer who should be taken seriously. Go, Kono!!!
Danny’s comment at the crime scene was so perfect for him. “I hate this job.” I think we all hated this one, too. At least you are there to do something about it, Danny. Everyone else looked equally sad. It was a nice touch from Steve, to shake the dad’s hand and introduce himself. Kind of eased into the questioning a little and showed some respect.
So Steve thinks that the fathers of teenage girls don’t like their teenage boyfriends? And what experiences did you have as a teenage boyfriend, Steve? Well, honestly, had my dad been around, he would not have liked Sexy Steve With His Bedroom Eyes either! Probably because I would have been drooling and panting all the time.
Show of hands: How many people think Steve was probably hot and handsome at 16? And who would have gone on a date with him?? (Danny, put your hand down!)
The mother of that teenage boyfriend, Luke is one word: Scary! She looked scary and she talked scary. “He’s spirited, but a good boy.” What does that even mean? (It means she wants to be in denial that he has problems. Scary.)
Lori and Danny at the high school. What did Lori hate about high school? She never really said. Danny chased cheerleaders? Not a surprise!
Another show of hands: Who would have tried out to be a cheerleader just to be chased by Danny? (Steve, put your hands down!)
Danny doesn’t know what’s in the trunk of his own car. You would think that he would inspect it daily for hand grenades and other SEAL stuff! Who knows what Steve might hide! (Hey, fic writers, write me something about things that Danny finds in his car thanks to Steve!) Maybe Danny thought that thing was a hair dryer?
Lori lets Danny drive his car! Good call, Lori! I hope he appreciated that. I’m glad the writers didn’t try to have a cargument or even a carcussion between Lori and Danny. I know it isn’t the Steve and Danny Show, but it just seems important that our bromantic duo should be the only ones bickering talking in the car.
Another good Danny line. “You want a lawyer, I want to bounce your head off the cement wall.” That principal was creepy. He’s probably related to the Scary Mom.
Joe is being questioned by HPD. I think this is the first time I’ve seen Joe worried and shaken up! Like he finally realizes that this is beyond his control? What is going on with him anyway??? Please don’t let Joe betray Steve. That would just be too much.
I kind of smirked when I saw that Joe's phone said “McGarrett” when Steve called. I half expected it to say “Son” and show Steve’s official Navy portrait. Or maybe have that geeky picture of Steve that Catherine had on her phone? And he could have an awesome ringtone for Steve! What would it be? Come on, people, be creative here!
The plot twist with the jury? Took me by surprise! It’s a little sickening, however, that the girl died and the poor dad had to deal with even more tragedy because of jury duty.
Almost at the end of the show now. They kidnapped a guy and threatened to throw him off a cliff!!! That is so old-school, season 1 Five-0 at its finest!!! And did you hear Danny when Steve did shove the guy? “You’re an animal.” I don’t want Danny to start condoning too many of Steve’s antics, because we would lose some of their spark then.
And we got another "Book 'em, Danno!" Yay! I cheered!
Aren’t they supposed to be reined in this season and not be playing things “fast and loose”? A black hood and cliff diving falls outside of normal police procedure, I think. I totally enjoyed the scene, but the new Governor doesn’t seem to be as strict as we were lead to believe.
SEAL Steve in his natural element is a beautiful thing. When he was breaking into Adam Noshimuri’s house to rescue Joe? Nice! Graceful, efficient, strong, HANDSOME, loyal Steve.
Now, about the ending. It was so perfect when Steve slammed on the brakes. He totally had enough! Alex O. did some fine acting throughout the end of this episode. I was kind of dissatisfied that nothing was resolved, and we just ended with Joe walking away. Now I’m extremely eager to see what happens next!