LOOK! A completed grid!!!!
What are your wishes for S3? Give me an answer in the comments, and let's see if we can come up with at least one for each letter of the alphabet. Since many of my wishes start with "more" or "less," I might use the initial letter of the second word in your answers. So, for example, "More shirtlessness" could go under "S" and "less clothing" could go under "C."
See below the table for some possible ideas. Or silly ideas. And one picture of Alex.
Archer, as in Tony to be back
Bromance (if that isn't a given)
Carguments - lots of them
Chin to become a dad!
Danny's Ass, more pictures of
Evenings together, or full of partying with all the gang, after stressful cases are solved (or just because)
Flashbacks, as to Steve and Mary as kids
Friendship between Danno and Catherine---Danno and Mary-Ann
G more Grace!
G for great guest stars :)
Hurt/comfort (I'm a big fan of that)
Home” --- I would love Danno to buy (or be given as a gift by a mysterious benefactor) a beautiful & luxurious home to live in on the beach.
Intercourse between Danny and Steve, of course, be it sexual or not but mainly sexual
Jersey (New Jersey) = Danno back on home turf, with the rest of the team all out of their depths, making Danny very happy haole
Kissing--as in Steve and Danny kissing.
Lori Weston making a return at some point
More Mary!
Matthew's return
No make-up to cover Alex's tattoos - they can't match the fucking color anyways and we know they're there.
Yes, the GECKO!
Oral Sex! Same as above!
PLAID!!!!!!!! My new favoritist color!!! (I’m dumbstruck)
Public service announcements during each commercial on how to administer CPR. That about sent me into VFib
Quizzical Grace - she's hitting the perfect age where questions flow freely - Grace asking Danno and Steve what a 'bromance' is? Why people ask them all the time if they are married? How best to impress a boyfriend (imagine Danno's face) - the possibilities are endless
Rear views (and not mirrors) of Steve, Danny, Chin, Adam....
Swimming/Surfing/Scuba Diving --- Danno & Steve doing any of these together
TLC for Steve
Toast (I just want him back so badly!)
Tommy (the pathological liar), Danno meets Tommy
Undercover work (like strippers) in a gay bar for Steve or Danny or both ;)
Very lost in the jungle --- Danno & Steve using survival skills to stay alive
Wo Fat (Out of prison and causing mayhem)
Williams Family (I so want to meet them)
X for xover:) I would like to watch an episode with Mike,Fiona and Sam from Burn Notice :) it would be a good opportunity to be ranting for Danny ;)
Yachting in their spare time.
Zzzzzzing together in the same bed.
We need to see...
More of Steve and Danny dressed alike
Tea in china cups (maybe with some scones)
Mud wrestling
King Kamehameha (this is Hawaii, yet they NEVER show him!) ;)
The gecko!!!!!!!!
More air horns