440 post: bingo challenge

Apr 07, 2012 09:36

Every time I look at this screencap, I think Jenna is shouting "Bingo!" and Danny is protesting that she cheated. Then I remembered that some Web site (Entertainment Weekly, I think) posted a Hawaii Five-0 bingo card early in S1. So my friend Amber and I decided that we needed more Hawaii Five-0 bingo!

We're sorry, but there aren't any prizes, other than the pure enjoyment of thinking about and interacting with our favorite show. Plus, there are only three cards. :) I think it's easy to figure out. Quotations marks mean someone has to say specific words for it to count.

Watch an episode (maybe the new one!) and play along! I hope you have fun! (Click on the thumbnail to go to the larger version. They're about 1050 pix wide (7 inches).

type: challenge

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