It's time to play...
Settle in and get chatting! Bingo will start in less than 30 minutes.
If you need your card, you can find it at
the original game post. If you haven't submitted a card yet, there's still time! Pick ten names off the list and make a comment over at the challenge post.
Update #1: Dolphin Trainer Barbie, Extra Bullets Please, I'm a Detective, Malia, Mana'o, Ming-Hua Chi, Ms. Pacman, Nick Taylor, Shave Ice, Spenser Owens
Update #2: Ben Bass, Best on the Island, Carlton Bass, Control Issues, Danny Hearts Steve, Ho'apono, Koji Nashimuri, Kono Kalakaua, Napalm in the Morning, Take off the Tie
Update #3: Catherine Rollins, Chen Chi, Craig Ellers aka Paul Stark, Han Chi, Loa Aloha, Nicole Duncan, Pineapple on Pizza, Reggie Cole, Roland Lowry, Sean Leung
Update #4: Amy Hanemoa, Anton Hesse, Graham Wilson, Ho'opa'i, Ma Ke Kahakai, Meredith Michaels, Mondays on CBS, Nalowale, Sal Groves, Term of Endearment
Update #5: Ed McKay, Grace Williams, Ho'ohuli Na'au, Ian Adams, Julie Waters, Kai Rollins, Kishimoto, MaryAnn McGarrett, Sang Min, Triple Banana Bitch
Update #6: Adam "Toast" Charles, Junior Satele, Kamekona, Lanakila, Levi Parker, Malama Ka Aina, Mrs. Hailama, Na Me'e Laua Na Paio, Navy SEAL, Yegor Chubais
Update #7: Book 'em Danno, Diego Stone, He Kane Hewa'ole, Meka Hanamoa, Palekaiko
Update #8: Computer Table, Go in without Backup, Matt Williams, Sergeant Cage, Uncle Keako
Update #9: Camille Townsend, Erica Harris, Mya Pak, Ohana, Surf Lessons
Update #10: Auntie Mele, Coral Prince, Goofy Thumbs, Mamo Kahike, Stan Edwards
Update #11: Chin Ho Kelly, E Malama, Governor Pat Jameson, Malasadas, Walton Dawkins
Update #12: Hana 'a'a Makehewa, Hiro Nashimuri, Jenna Kaye, Nae Shan, Steve McGarrett
Update #13: Bastille, Jack McGarrett, Laura Hills, Po'ipu, Rachel Edwards
Update #14: Chef Morimoto, Emilio Ochoa, Evan Lowry, Grenade in the Glovebox, Victor Hess
Update #15: Heihei, Ke Kinohi, Ko'olauloa, Lily Wilson, Mr. Chi
Update #16: Everybody Likes Hippos, Kaleo, Max Bergman, Rationally Concerned, Sid
Update #17: Joey, Kawika, Longboards, Mele Kalikimaka, Tun Pak
Update #18: Frank Salvo, Jordan Townsend, Kai e'e, Nadia Lukovic, Powa Maka Moana
Update #19: General Pak, Hawaii, Mercury Marquis, New Jersey, Wo Fat
Updates will now be every 5 minutes.
Bingos Left: 0
First Bingo:
casnessSecond Bingo:
simplyn2deepThird Bingo: