Game: We're going on a scavenger hunt! Listed below are a list of 25 things you need to find icons of. Once you've found all 25 icons, post them in a comment below
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Yes, please. I just want to make sure that if someone snags an icon off this activity, they'll know who to credit. Plus it'll make the icon makers feel all warm and fuzzy. :)
Yeah, the credit thing was in the rules to start. The only thing I added later was the part about not using the same icon twice.
You can def make them if you want to, or another thing you can do is troll through graphics communities and journals. Maybe try hfive0-graphics or similar comms. :)
sorry, to ask then, but I really didn't see it :( The only icon I worry about is the one with a person that only has appeared once. The rest, I'm sure I'll get at the communty you mentioned. I think most of the H5-0 icon makers I know of are members there. That's where I got the few icons I have at least.
but I have another stupid qustion, I suck at html... do I just copy the link into the roght place in the tamblet?
I think I leave you alone now and continue when I'm less drunk.
can we use icons that we made?
was the credit thing in the rules before? uh, the last Caipi killed me o.O
You can def make them if you want to, or another thing you can do is troll through graphics communities and journals. Maybe try hfive0-graphics or similar comms. :)
The only icon I worry about is the one with a person that only has appeared once. The rest, I'm sure I'll get at the communty you mentioned. I think most of the H5-0 icon makers I know of are members there. That's where I got the few icons I have at least.
but I have another stupid qustion, I suck at html... do I just copy the link into the roght place in the tamblet?
I think I leave you alone now and continue when I'm less drunk.
To find out who made that one icon you could post it at a comm and see if anyone recognizes it. Sometimes someone will. :)
For the html in the form, yep, just paste the link for the image between the "".
Have a drink for me bb! :)))
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