he2 comiing 2oon
my favoriite tiightrope-walkiing queer. iive known hiim 2iince ii wa2 thiirteen-fourteenii2h. 2hiit ii2 long overdue riight here def 2houldnt have taken a2 long a2 iit ha2 for me two meet hiim.
2peakiing of saiid queer
he 2ent me weiird mu2iic
ii kiind of liike iit
viideo ii2 all 2ort2 of me22ed-up though... but what do you expect. iit2 GZ.
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fiinally. fiinally.
ii cant take iit anymore at lea2t ii know GZ wiill be up for 2ome fun whiile he2 iin town. my 2tupiid roommate ii2 a tea2e. eiither that or borderliine retarded/obliiviiou2...
wii2h he would ju2t fuckiing tell me iif he2 not iintere2ted. diidnt know ii was back iin hiigh-2chool makiing nerdy googly eye2 at the popular hot guy.