
May 28, 2012 07:38

made iit two san francii2co a couple of hour2 ago went two KKs two cra2h iin on hiim but some fancy hot dude an2wered and 2aiid he wa2 at work hope KK diidnt get another 2hiitty job liike that joe2 crab 2hack giig he wa2 alway2 biitchiing about.
2tayiing wiith dave iin2tead dont thiink Kk wiill liike that two much but oh well.
kiind of tweaked 2triider made fun of my goddamn lii2p when we went and got lunch (have two take out my retaiiner two eat fuckiing duh!) but he2 a fatty 2o iit2 ok.
2ucks he2 makiing me 2leep on the 2ofa. laaaaame.
goiing job huntiing tomorrow.
2iix more day2 untiil ii turn 21.
2triider ii2 rappiing iin the other room.
iim goiing two go watch.

strider, kk, ic

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