Feb 05, 2008 20:55

Now I'm not gona say that I'm the be all end all of EMB, cause that would be a lie. There are people there that are capable of keeping things running well, and the work force is improving. However, and this statement has been echoed by more than one person (if you know me I tend to exaggerate), I am the go to guy when it comes to fixing things. I really don't think I'm all that great, at least not all the time. I guess it just seemed weird to me how fixes I knew to be simple ten minute problems turned into contractor problems. Now it is true that I do not know the exact circumstances, but suffice to say I need to learn HTML and web design, or get with someone who does.

I have a name for my pain and it's name is TMDE. When I left for leave in December, I left with a tenuous hope that the person I had begun to train in the idiosyncrasies of my all consuming extra responsibility would catch on and perhaps be able to take up the cup. Alas, that was not to be. He was transferred out of the shop the moment I returned, and with him went my chance of freedom from the doom that had been left in his wake. Part of the blame for the poor state of my section was my own haste to leave, and in a more pensive state I am able to see all of the missteps that lead me to the now miserable state in which I find myself as I try in agony to get my section AAME(Army Award for Maintenance Excellence) inspection ready. Since I hit the ground, every working day has been devoted to ensuring that everything remains perfect on the stats board, and playing victim to the stupidities of DRMO; don't ask what that stands for, because I don't know. Combine that with the ineptitude of the individuals who own the equipment and don't understand what "turn this in within three months" means. What it means to them is, "If I don't turn this in someone else much farther down the road will have to deal with it." I.E. me, or someone else who has my position when I leave, the poor unfortunate soul. For some reason I just felt like Ursula from the little mermaid, but that's neither here nor there. I digress, the long and the short of it all is that I feel like I have been stretched until naught is left but a bunch of little strings, kinda like silly putty, if you catch my meaning. I can't even remember things I was told five minutes prior unless it was pertinent to TMDE or the AAME inspection. Doing this usually helps, but we'll have to wait and see about that. Talking to people usually helps too, but today I was talking to a friend whom I've had a bit of a falling out with and it didn't help one thin bit.

In fact it brought a very unsettling train of thought to the already convoluted station. He brought up, in a rather crude but not all together unfamiliar fashion, the topic of my needing a significant other we'll say. Not marriage per se, but a girlfriend. From there he very nonchalantly bridged to the subject of one person in particular. I won't mention her name, but suffice to say, and I'm going to be very chauvinistic here for a few lines so bear with me, she had a very nice body, an interesting taste in music(by interesting I mean things like Manson and They Might be Giants), and a taste in film similar to my own. She is a very odd person, a sort of attention seeker by all means, even negative. Particularly negative. She has a tendency to show her panties to anyone who'd fancy a look, and some that don't. I've looked, they were quite nice, but then what guy wouldn't. Then there's the part that made me keep her at arms length, and I explained this to Tre, was the fact that she was sleeping around. A fact that she didn't keep very secret, but instead chose quite quickly to tell me at any moment she thought she wouldn't be overheard, and at some she knew she would. Now I'll say this, she's a bright girl, but she doesn't have the good sense to ask someone for help, much like myself. She instead decides to do stupid things, like carve herself up, in a completely nonlethal way, and say it was done while she was blacked out or drink herself stupid and act the fool. Tre pointed out when I mentioned these things that perhaps they were done to get my attention in particular because I was one of few who would venture close. He also mentioned that maybe she flaunted her sexual escapades in order to let me know that she would allow it. But that's not the sort of person that I am. To me it seemed that she wanted someone she could trust, and I'm nothing if not trustworthy. Alas, it seems that she had, in addition to my work problems, gotten worse since I went on leave; she was at least stable before I left. Tre also, and I'm quite displeased with him for adding more to my already burgeoning bucket o' things to think about, posited that I could help bring her back to the land of the sane, and at the same time perhaps gain someone that could aid in my quest for sanity. This odd off hand comment, at the time, has led me to examine more closely the interactions she and I have had. The more I think about it the more I realize that he did it on purpose., because he knew I would turn it over in my mind long after the conversation was over. Am I that easy to read? Irregardless, this has led me to one blaring conclusion. I am attracted to women who are mentally unstable. Now, that's probably not going to be well received, but the more I think about it, and remember all of the girls I was around when I was much younger, the more I believe it. And now there's a page and a half long expose on this girl which spawned from a bloody 20 minute conversation.

My give up.
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