message to Jessica

Jun 19, 2006 18:09

To: my future ex. my present oh. ♥

Date: Jun 19, 2006 5:58 PM
Subject: Hey
Body: Everything I say is my honest opinion... being an opinion, you can believe it to be true or false... the choice is yours.

I'm really going to try to be nice about this, because I do still want to be friends... If I'm a little bitchy, I'm truly sorry

Ever since I broke up with David, I thought maybe I could get closer to you... one of my best friends. But ever since you told me that you liked David--it was kind of a shot to the heart. I'm not going to lie... I knew it was going to happen... You had been dropping hints all the time.

And for the whole crew thing... I hadn't been on myspace in a few day's when that bulletin was posted about you being taken off the group. I'm not sure who got onto my myspace... because I didn't think I had told anyone my new password. Clearly, I had, and someone got onto it and sent the message. I didn't hold anything against you from when you told me you liked David. I would have said no anyways, but it still wouldn't have mattered... that would have made the vote 5-3 if I can remeber the other bulletin someone put.

I didn't appreciate the fact that you(or possibly a friend of yours) logged onto my e-mail address to get the password for the crew's myspace. You deffinitly didn't need to delete it. If you would have asked someone like Rachel, Matt, Andy... anyone else, they probably would have told you the password. I honestly didn't know what it was when you asked nor did I remember my e-mail password, because I havn't used it in a while and I have changed almost everything with the same password.

Before you left for Sailing Academy and before I found out that the crew's myspace got deleted, I thought we were still cool. You know, I understand you like spending time with Maegan... I know I like to spend times with a friend too!! I thought me and Maegan were cool too, but again I was proved wrong. I wish we could just get over all this crap... you know, the crew is really just a myspace... we rarely actually hang out... and we never have everyone together. Really, it's just a label for a group of friends. I hope we can get over this small stuff... I really do.


PS... If I have done anything else, please tell me because those are honestly the only reasons I could find as to why you were mad at me.
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