I wanted to do a public post about what I did this week (and hopefully take
awelkin up on that Enjoy Yourself challenge) but I didn't do anything interesting enough to post about, other than maybe giggle like a loon over this week's episode of Psych ("Shawn Vs. The Red Phantom" - the comic convention episode) and buy some books. Maybe I'll write about the books later, when I'm not feeling so blah.
I also wanted to write something about the whole
Don Imus brouhaha and how bewildered I am that the two N-words are OK only when African-Americans say them, but when I actually thought about it, I realized that many people call each other derogatory names all the time in a joking or even affectionate manner. I guess I just find it strange because I myself don't do it, and neither do most of the people around me. So I'll just say that Don Imus deserved the smackdown he got from all sides because you're not supposed to stop watching what you say even though you're just mouthing off for no reason in a land of free speech.
And I wanted to write about what I want to do this weekend, but I don't want to think about it because I need to include some GRE reviewing in there and I don't want to :-p I also forgot that I need to schedule a TOEFL exam. Can you tell I'm not worried about that one? LOL
Back to work for now.