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Jan 04, 2005 18:49

Well my break was definatley fun and way too short. I went to San Francisco and Sierra Summit. I played some football, ran around a track and had a few too many glasses of milk, hung with friends, ran (which i had the best time running ever), and saw tons of movies(cuz thats basically the only thing i can ever think of doing, even though i get sick of sitting watching the screen for too long). The best movie i viewed was Finding Neverland which i am willing to pay my $8 to see it again sometime soon. Oh and after I saw that movie my ma told me that I should try writing books. When i was younger i did want to be an authour and illuastrator but i found grammer and english a lot harder than i thought. Anyways i thought that that was an interesting thing for my ma to say because she knows me best and would give me the best advice which i take seriously. So i may think about writing one day because i think it would be very fun!

Anyways on my way up to Sierra Summit we drove past a small town with large gorgeous older style houses with wide open space full of old broken trees, green grass, and some farm animals and while i was looking out the window i decided that i think i would like to live there. I know, the beach is pretty far away and its kinda chilly. Small towns maybe pictured as annoying with knowing everyone in the town and there are no Costco's nearby but its seemed very romantic. I could imagine sitting on a rocking chair reading a book or writing one without any neighbors closeby or cars, just being surrounded with beauty and nature and peace. The rich green of the grass (from all the rainfall) made me want to just lay in it watching the beautiful clouds fly above me hurrying off to some other place. There were little green mountains and rocks, streams with old wooden bridges (like in that Tom Sawyer movie, man i wish i could be Tom sawyer but thats another topic), and old fences and dirt and pebbled driveways which led to the houses. Wow i wish you all could see it, it was so neat. And while i was in my thoughtful/imaginative mood I thought of beauty and realized there is so many things that could describe beauty. Most of the time, well ive kinda thought that beauty was in appearance beacuse that is how it is most often portrayed. However I figured there is so much beauty and its all so differt. I can find beauty in intelligence, friendship, kindness, someones love and care for one another, the way you live your life, the simple things in life, art, music, someone's personality. I just thought it was a cool thing to think of. Beauty lies everywhere around us, of course it is how you view it which makes it beautiful or not. so look around and watch for the beauty in our world.

Ok done with my beauty talk and the cool town i found. Yesterday, as you all know it was raining. And on my run I jokingly asked where's the rainbow and the pot of gold? Well after doing my dreadful 10 X 100's i walked to China and as i started to drive off i saw in my rear view mirror my rainbow! so i pulled aside to look in awe at the beauty of this flawless rainbow. I drove off considering to go a different way home to follow in the direction of my rainbow. But as always the rainbow followed me all the way home. And as i drove i kept wondering when i was going to go under the rainbow, as if it were staionary or a tunnel. I know I could never go under the rainbow and hold my breath or find it and the pot of gold at the end. Even though i know all this, my childhood fanitsies made me wish that i could touch the colors and eat the skittles that fell from the tasteful rainbow. I kept hoping that it would happen and wishing it would. I arrived home and my crazy neighbor decided it was a kodak moment and remarked that it was a sight to treasure. I shouted to ma to run outside and see the rainbow which she said was a really cool rainbow! Anyways I was way stoked about the rainbow because it was kinda what i needed at the time. A wise man once told me that he found faith in the majestic beauty of nature. He said "How could this happen by chance it had to be made by a greater power." And when i stopped for a moment to enjoy the rainbow i was really happy, I found that stong amount of faith, God had to create this world for me and all of us to enjoy. so that was my highlight of the day.

hope you all are well.
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