this lj is going to try to stay up and running for all those who care at all.

Jul 23, 2005 16:56

dedication: mr. a-z ~~ i love you thanks for the laughs i wish i was as cool as you.

basically this is for albert and nina and then ill get crap from someone calling me a hipocrite about having a live journal but ill take it for you two kids ok?

well hello to all,
how is everybody's summer?
mine has been very nice. i've mainly been hanging out around here doing all sorts of stuff like: skateboarding to the mail, catching up on my mtv's, listening to tons of music and finding new bands, cleaning and dirtying my room, reading and waiting impatiently for my gift from my grandma (the new harry potter book), movies, dancing in the moonlight, which was awe inspiring last night if you caught a glimpse of the moon (i swear i think im part werewolf because i love the moon like so incredibly much i cant explain it, those of you who know me understand), i've been to hawaii where i had a blast pretending to be a fish, i went to san luis to hang with my grandparents, i've been trying really hard to stay in contact with my very best friend in Utah. For all those who care she is fine been running, making friends, playing volleyball, chewing gum in asl, dancing, hackysacking, and talking to her two remoras in T.O. so i told ablert today that i feel like i am stuck in a tar pit. i cant go foward to college yet and i wish to go back to high school xc (especially since the little sis is enjoying what her way cool big sis left behind) and enjoy those experiences but im no longer "part of the team". i dont know if you get it but i cant go forward and i cant go backward and each day is really slow and not sure which way i want to go and even if i want to go that direction i cant im stuck. but this isnt a poor me thing its just how it goes until 3 more weeks then its my turn to start with a new team, new life , new friends. One thing about this summer is that i have been trying to be more outgoing and i can tell that its working. kv knows what im talking about. well i've made some new friends especially this one girl, mel from san diego. She is going to be a freshy at concordia with me. I sent out an email to all the incoming runners onthe team introducing myself. Mel is the only one who responded and i imed her a couple days ago and she is really nice and we seem to have a lot in common already. Im excited to make new friends at CUI but am nervous with the pressure to stay in touch with all my really old and wrinkely close friends. well im really excited the new jason mraz cd comes out tues., guitar lessons mon., ally's bday on wed., nona and papa come mon., my roommate info comes tues., as well as my harry potter book (oh ive missed you so.) i went through all my pictures today spearating ones i would take with me to reamind me of my old life in my new life. and we have really changed in the past 4 years. haha tom mike eric matt you looked so young, kathleen was so shy and small, i was hugging sarah trent, there was jenny, lauren, and nicole, mel and ashley tman and blunk were inseperable. four years doesnt seem like a long time for all these different events to change us but they have. tonight im going to cathy's bday party where i will see a lot of the seniors for the first time this summer and they will all ask "hows your summer" and "hows running" ha well thats what happens. i saw dear frankie last night and like the boy at longs told me, it was a winner. however i didnt cry like normally i would. ive noticed that i am actually a pretty sensative person and i take a lot of things personally sometimes, i always thought that was weak and never thought i cared but i now know i do. anyway i should have cried it was terribly sad. i saw a boy with a name tag at the store the other day that readRhett and even then i got really sad. thats beacause one of my summer books this summer has been gone with the wind and i lost pounds crying to that book and scarlett was so selfish and i cried over her lost love i should have thought she deserved it but i guess i felt everyone should have a fair chance at true love. another cool thing these past few months have been that i've been getting along my dad alot better than normal. he hasnt bothered me and i have been trying to be nice. i figure i could suck it up for a month. My sister however has been rather hard to get along with. she is tried because she has art and dance and school and running and then she comes home for five minutes to remind me that she always has something snotty and mean to utter to her embarassing older sister. well i dont have to stand it for long and maybe then she'll relize that she was lucky to have someone to defend and protect her at all. you always figure those things out too late, that sucks. i ran with monica su yesterday and ive missed her. it was very nice to hang with her again, although i still am rather dedicated to running and she tends to take the negative route on the run, it was cool to hear her stories. and also cool to know that she is still super good friends with alyson and sarah. i hope that i am able to do that. well albert reminded me that my birthday is coming up and i dont seem to care. you know i dont really get excited or anything about birthdays its just another day to me. i never do anything special maybe that why but i dontcare to either. i'll be eighteen and unlike my other 18 yr. old friends i dont see anything special in it. im not going to do anything like get a piercing or a tatoo, so whatever. um well this is a pretty long journal. i have to go get a gift and fiddle around on the guitar. keep on truckin'!

some new stuff music lover:
john majyer and john scofield in 'i Don't Need No Doctor' i<3johnmayer

as tom and nina's lastest saying
and until a later date
the small but growing spirit of heather benton
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