Jan 22, 2005 22:47
Well last week I was nominated to be on Winter Formal Court... with Adam my boyfriend of three years, was I surprised yea... but I have a huge group of friends who are great!!!! Winter break... now that was great.... m-80s in the Bravo burger parking lot next to my house with Adam, Jessica and lance. "sizzling on the trampoline at jon's house!!!! LOL! New Years at jessa's was fun. Sitting buzzed for about a half hour in the jacuzzi wishing there was more to drink.... lighting fire works in the middle of the street. Living at Jessica's for 2 days talking about old times.... I'll miss you alot Jess when I leave... especially our Lost and Gilmore Girl nights!!! We'll have to email each other our commentary... and get together on breaks ya know?
Today I woke up to Elyse calling me at 9:30 in the morning asking me if I wanted to run and when I told her I was still sleeping she said "At 9:30?" and I said "Of course its saturday! Duh!!!" Anyway I had to wake up so that I could get ready to go to the eye doctors. I don't need new glasses which is good, I'm not going blind yet.... then I went to AAA to set up my flights to Colorado State University in June to register for classes. Then I came home it was about 3:30, so I called Adam and asked him if he wanted to run with me he said ok. so I went running I ran/walked 2 miles... not bad concidering I'm outa shape. I can't wait for swim so I can look decent again! Then I came home, ate dinner, and walked around the block with with my mom and my brother and now i'm updating my site.
Talk to you all later, hope to see most of my friends at the dance... good luck on your finals!!!