Mar 26, 2005 12:46
i went to the beach yesterday (friday) it was sooo much fun i think i haven't been since FCAT days in 9th grade i was with ed and didn't get a chance to meet up with zack oooor vikky =( we had soo much fun tho it was my 8 month =) i went in eddies pool later on it was finally hot enough
i have a bunch of hw to get done today b.c i have a shit load of makeup to turn into innes on monday =( i had a nightmare that i was failing his class how bad is that lol
i need lories help but i can't get a hold of her and im supposed to see like 8 different ppl be4 monday spring break is ending and it sux no breaks in april =( my bday comes tho (april 10th) and i am planning on having a get-together =) (april 9th) not anything too special just friends and music and movies we'll see how the parents like that its either that or i get them o pay 350 to have me go to charleston again =) i wish.... i gotta hang out with the girls more i miss it like crazy we'll see when time permits waterpolo will begin again on monday YAY!=\ it will be over soon enough for now i'm off love to all