(no subject)

Dec 11, 2004 11:05

ahh i waited to long and i seriously don't wanna type my life for the past two weeks so i think ima just say how things are now... waterpolo is getting good we scrimmage a lot so i like that ... i hurt my arm the other day :( but it's getting better i might go to saturday practice today anyways b.c i want to. ed's still amazingly aweosme. it was zack's bday on thursday so we talked for a bit and then he's supposed to call me this weekend some time to talk. we seriously need to get things more normal with us b.c i LOVED having him as a friend. i got him a present for like his bday but he's so loaded that i dunno if its good enough or not... i guess like everyone says its the thought that counts.
i have to be mrs. claus for history on wed and its a problem b.c i don't have an outfit it was perfect i found one at party city and it looked hot and then it cost 80 dollars! i was like fuck this and just took some red fishnets we will see how taht works out i have like all the christians comin to my place tomorrow to work on this holiday project we'll see how that works. Bartlett essays on tuesday :P! i really really wanna prewrite them we'll see.

my classes are a lil better i think i dunno about english but i brought up phyisics to a steady B and bartlett(history) MIGHT be an A by the end of the nine weeks innes(Pre-cal) is egh i guess a B for now we'll see.

i CAN'T WAIT FOR WINTER BREAK! i hate school so much that it's the biggest task just to make my self wake up to go and then come home from practice and actually do my homework. ed tried to help me with that but i would just go to sleep anyways.

x-mas with matt mandy and mckenna is next saturday and tonight is the holiday swim team party :D i hope that comes out good.
david is by far the biggest loser of life! just playing there ain't much to say about someone who i have FINALLY come to terms with him being my lost twin at birth i musta just not been fund until 11 days later making my bday a lil later lol
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