Hey Guys!!!

Aug 27, 2004 18:30

Nothing much has been going on. The same shit but different day. This week has gone by pretty quick. I've been busy with school work and rotc. Seeing now that I'm learning how to do stuff with the rifle. I didn't think it was hard but it is. Whenever I do a right shoulder arms "they" say I have to throw the rifle on my shoulders like really hard on my collar bone. I'm like "NO"!!! so yeah I had like 4 different people teaching me stuff well more like 6. I had Gonzo, Worth, Lee, Erazo, Stockert and Campbell helping me but I got pissed off everytime. Like one of them would start showing me something new and then they'll start playing around with someone else so I'll get mad and just cuss them out. I remember I was going over what I already knew and Ricci was being sarcastic and he said "youre a senior so stop being so serious, it was only a joke" I was like "joke my ass and then I started yelling and cussing at him from there.....so you how I am. But today during 2nd period since I'm a TA Hood, Campbell, Ricci and I practiced. So I give Ricci another chance to teach me 15 count manual. And he actually worked at my pase and I got it..well most of it. Oh yeah I was Group Commander for today you guys!!! It was fun. There was a pep rally today. It was the shortest one I've been to. Man...I can't wait until tommorow. I'm going to Kings Dominion for my Birthday since my sister is leaving for texas sometime within the next 2 weeks. Today during computer apps I was online looking at some colleges in Texas. Since I'll be moving to Killeen I'm thinking about Central Texas College or Tarleton State University in Temple TX or Texas A&M university of veterinary medicine. I don't know yet. I'm going to start looking at some more tonight. I looked at umm Appalachian State University here in NC it's about $8,400 per semester I think well its cheaper for instate people. But out of sate people have to pay like $17,000 something its almost $18,000. I also looked at Pembroke too. I looked at what I needed to qualify and I had everything well I will at the end of this year. So that's always an option. But I really wanna move to Texas. And that's were my mind is leaning too. So I have a decision to make. But I'm probably going to move. Well I think I'm done. So I'm out. Here I go!!!!peace!
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