On Time!

Feb 20, 2004 07:23

Otay, otay! A Friday Five MeMe when you are suppose to do it. What a novel idea ....

FridayFive for 20 Feb 2004 ....

When was the last time you...

1. ...went to the doctor?
Sometime last year .... scheduled to see her sometime in March 2004 tho'.

2. ...went to the dentist?
Ooooh! Easy. Yesterday. I'm serious.

3. ...filled your gas tank?
Ooooh! Easy. Just this morning. At 6:45am. $2.03/gallon. pppphttt

4. ...got enough sleep?
Pre-children. I'm serious on this one. Anyone who really knows me knows I get by most days with 4-5 hours sleep even now.

5. ...backed up your computer?
What the hell? Y'all obviously didn't get the memo. I back up nearly every single freakin' day as our servers at work are the most incompetent sources of frustration, in addition to the staff that is suppose to support them.
*waves to my IT group*

*waves hello to all her buddies*
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