
Apr 24, 2004 01:26

Tonight alex, boca, and myself cleaned our boards. Man did mine need a good cleaning. The last time I cleaned it was when I was home for winter break. After that was finished we headed over to the parking garage. I'm gonna miss that place when I go back to orlando for the summer :(..Did a few runs, some taking it easy and some goin fast. Side note, i will master the art of manualing on a longboard by the end of the summer. Back to the garage. On the last run of the night I decided it would be a smart idea to lay down on my board and ride down face first. It was intense(i was wearing sandles by the way so no brakes). I tried to take it slow on the way down just to get a feel for it but that did not go so well and I started hauling ass and wabbling. I managed to regain control and not fall off. Falling off would have hurt like a mother but didn't think about that until I finished the run. oh well i'm gonna do it again next time we go. Peace
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