Days left of class: 15 (craaaapppp)
Final exams: 2
Major projects: 1
30 minute presentations about blie acids: 1
Significantly long (i.e. 12+ pages) papers: 2
Life at LC: priceless???
Good times today at the education internship. I'm actually starting to love being there now that I know the kids and have gotten past the shock of discovering that all students don't learn their multiplication tables late in their elementary school careers. Although this experience has fully cemented the fact that I never ever ever want to become a teacher, I have a lot more respect for them than I did as a sassy, impertinent student.
One of these days I will write a long and probably not even entertaining ode to daylight savings time. The combination of daylight after dinnertime and relatively nice weather makes me want to dance around in circles and hug people that I don't even know.
Some fellow at the New York Times is my new idol. He's offering a trip to a student this summer to do journalism in Africa and I'm going to apply even though I am already going to Africa. This highly minimizes my chances of ever actually doing said NYT idol trip, so you should all apply too! Go to ( and be amazed!
I removed a friend's stiches the other day and it was too fun for words, almost fun enough to make me drop any ambition of saving the trees and salmon in favor of a career in surgery. Somehow I think it would be highly disturbing to chop open human flesh on a daily basis and sew it back up again. Seriously, now, who does that?
I suppose it's time, I need to quit wasting time on crap like this and facebook and email and whatnot. Hearts to all!