Oct 10, 2006 22:25
Dear readers.
So a lot of my livejournal talks about God. I am a Christian, essentially that is my life. No, it is not a part of my life, it is my life because I find my identity in Christ. Quite often I'll talk about my life in relation to my faith because my faith determines how I view this world and how I live in it. I just want to be real and relevant and honest. I open myself to you because in general, I am a pretty open person. I am an open book and I wear my heart on my sleeve because that's how God made me. I share about my life and what I am going through because I want to share that with you. It never really occured to me to not be real about where I am and what I believe. It's just who I am.
Anywho, I just wanted to say that God uses people even though they don't see themselves as being used. God does everything according to His time and His ways. His ways are not our ways and quite often we don't get His time, but I firmly believe that His ways and His time always show us how much God is constantly at work in ways that are so amazing and wonderful that they are hard to comprehend sometimes and we just have to bask in all that He is.
I never really saw myself as having an impact on people. Like I knew that I was a source of encouragement to my friends, but more often than not I would brush that off. But here's the thing about God, He'll use you in the lives of people you hardly even know. In amazing ways that are just you don't even realize.
Everything matters.
And there is purpose to everything.