Wait, whaa?

May 06, 2008 13:34

Is everyone and their moms' birthdays on the 5th or something?

I'm getting all these birthdays posts in most of the comms I've joined. It seems that along with Hibari and Hijikata, it's also Mori's (Ouran), Aizen's (Bleach) and Luffy's (OP) birthday. Mangakas sure love Children's Day. D:

My dad's new car came in earlier today. Golly, I never knew a Toyota Camry is that huge. Maybe I'm too used to tiny, local cars mehh.

Boyfriend/Girlfirend meme
Must do it only if you currently have a gf/bf. Be honest. No secrets.

1. Are you going out with anyone?
Surprise, surprise. ;D I bet no one knows this until now HAH.

2. How long have you been going out with that person?
Approximately 2 years. We're trying hard though. All relationships have flaws. C:

3. How did you two end up together?
Destiny lol. I saw him on TV and horrible coincidence, he's actually friends with my brother so we eventually started knowing each other whenever he comes by our house. He looked sooooo gorgeous when I first met him. Only a few years older than me too.

4. Have you ever gone out with anyone else in your life before that person?
Yeah, I did. He was my sister's ex. Kinda cheeky, eh? My sister was getting bored of him and planned to chuck him for another guy, so I sorta took the chance and grabbed him.

Although, she seemed awfully eager that I take him away from her hands ASAP back then.

5. And the one you've had the longest relationship with?
The first guy. I met him when I was 12, I broke it off 3 years after that. You'd think it'd be a messy break-up but it wasn't. It was a mutual thing.

6. What colour best describes your lover?
Sleek silver. ♥ He's so clean-cut and hip.

7. Any interesting memories?
Oh man, the look on some of my friends' faces the day I showed him off. Damn, that felt good.

8. Do you feel like cheating at all?
Actually, yeah. I know I'm being a total bitch but over the years, I discovered that he's incompetant at some things, if you know what I mean. Couldn't even last for 2 hours. :C

9. Anything you want to say to your current lover?
Regardless of what I've said up there darling, ILU. I won't ever leave you for anyone, promise. ♥ Not until college that is

Okay, before you guys get a heart attack and bombard me with KISS-AND-TELL questions, the point of this meme was to talk about your handphones.

So no, I'm not seeing anyone currently. I'm still waiting for RL Yamamoto to sweep me off my feet with his million dollar smile while wearing his baseball uniform.

My first handphone was a dark red [Nokia 8210.] It's a hand-me-down phone, it was my eldest sister's. I loved that phone to death. XD I'd still be wearing it if only the B&W phones were still hip today.

My current phone is a silver [Motorola RAZR V3.] It's a hand-me-down too, belonged to my brother before he got himself a Nokia N series-- can't remember which one.

LOL, as I said above that "he" was incompetent, the battery dies whenever someone calls me or I call someone. Or maybe the battery meter is just wonky. After hanging up, I have to switch it off so that the low battery alert won't go off every 2 minutes. The screen appeared to be "dusty" too, something's wrong with the display. I tried asking my brother, he didn't know either. A hand-me-down is a hand-me-down orz

My brother offered to buy me a new one but I turned him down I must be crazy that day. I don't feel like receiving stuff from people when my SPM results sucked. - 3-;;

A rather interesting and misleading meme for the road heehee.

The week I want to IGNORE Ichinose COMPLETELY is the week that SUDDENLY, everyone felt like posting his pictures in their blogs. Damn you Neeko, Kokubun and Suguru. I sorta hate/love you guys now.

[W-Why is he so cute there, AUGHH. ;_;]

meme, seiyuu, birthday

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