
Mar 23, 2008 14:34

I finally got around to listen to that 8059 FST. NOSTALGIA CRITICAL HIT +9999!

Such lovely 90's hit songs. ♥ Songs from the Barenaked Ladies and U2 go waaaaay back when I was in my school bus days (primary). I rode the same bus for 5 years. I still remember the name of the bus, N1. The driver was and still is Uncle Long. Such a nice old man. He was quite short. Stocky build in fact. I wonder if he still remembers me.

Uncle Long would play this recorded tape of a medley of songs and it would keep looping until I reach home. He'd play it every single day, I even remembered the parts where the tape is broken (broken songs).

The bus was so old, you can hear it coming a mile away due to the windows rattling. The seats were full of patches of tape to keep it from ripping further but still very comfortable nonetheless. On rainy days, rain water would leak into the bus, making the lucky person who got the window seat wished he/she got the aisle seat instead. On sunny days, we playful kids; mostly Standard 1 to 4 kids would stick our heads out of the window and enjoy the pleasant evening breeze while the older kids would sit back and chat. The sticking-our-heads-out-of-the-window thing always bothered Uncle Long since he didn't want headless kids to send home but after a while, he got tired of reprimanding us and decided to use sarcasm alternatively. Let's just say we are stubborn little donkeys to begin with and even if someone did lose his/her head in process, we'd probably continue doing so anyway.
Nobody did by the way haha.

So many memories were made from that 30 minutes ride back home from school. Mostly school bus drama. When I was 7, I'd play silly games with other kids. We'd share snacks we bought, compare test scores, talk about our respective schools. When I got older, the girls gossiped instead.
A confession seems appropriate here, so here goes. When I was 11, I was heavily crushing on this boy which as of now will forever be dubbed as Boy #1 since it's embarrassing and makes me blush still. OTZ
Everyday, I would pray that Uncle Long would use the same route Boy #1 used to walk home so that I can steal glances of him from the window. We were both prefects back then, so I would see him whenever there's a prefects board meeting or while we're doing our prefect duties. I was in class A and he's in class G I think. He was in the football team and was a runner so it's understandable he'd drop out in terms of studies why does this seem all too familiar RIGHT YAMAMOTO. The crush stayed a crush, since we went to different secondary schools.

So from nostalgic songs, it turned into a confession post about my unrequited puppy love when I was 11. I need food obviously.


old days, lolz, school

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