The most random person I know

Feb 10, 2008 00:56

My dad, he's the most random person I know as far as I'm concerned. Months earlier, my sister saw him printing out numbers and asked what was he gonna do with them. He was making a countdown calendar to his retirement day to mock his co-workers. He actually has it now in his office. I not only mentally facepalm'd but also physically facepalm'd.

Just last month, he decided that he wanted to buy new china for the dining table. Plates, bowls, teapots, teacups, he bought them all at Ikea. All of us (sisters) were comfuzzled by his sudden change of heart to actually use porcelain in the house but my mum shrugged and said, "Well, it's his money. He can do whatever he wants." Oh mother, 28 years of marriage prepared you for the most bizarre.

Earlier today, he made us wake up before 8 and asked us to get ready to go to his folks' place down south. Now, we're not complaining that we're finally visiting our grandparents the first time in months but he should've told us the night before. Tchh, it's not like we weren't home, dad. ⌐_⌐
Surprised and sleepy, we hauled our asses out of bed and hopped on the car. I haaaaaaaaate more-than-2-hours car trips, my back will hurt like a bitch sitting for so long. I rather walk for 2 hours than sit for 2 hours.

It was nice meeting the old folks. My mum's parents passed away years ago, so they're the only grandparents I've got now. Grandpa's a bit unwell, he's forgetting things more and more lately. He barely remembers his children, let alone his grandchildren (exceeds 25 I last count). It's sad really. I had so much fun when I was a kid. He used to play dominos with my sister and I. He loves ice cream and sweets more than I did when I was small lol. Grandma however would frown and tell us what a kid he is. During the holidays, we'd go to their house all the way in Johor and we'd wake up early to follow grandpa to the frontyard to rake dried leaves. My mum usually wouldn't agree to this due to the cold dampness so mosquitoes were abundant but we prevailed. When it was durian season, we'd follow him to his fruit orchard with a tin containing mosquito coil tied around his waist. We'll wait in a little shack among the fruit trees while he goes to pick the fallen, ripe durians.

I had so many memories of my grandparents during my childhood and I feel sorry for my younger sisters whom will not experience the same things as I did. Because of grandpa being dependent now, grandma isn't doing too great herself. She's worrying too much, thinking too much of grandpa's wellbeing. Her face when we left to go home just now was so heartbreaking, I swore I almost cried.

Your grandchildren miss you very much, grandpa. Feel better soon. :C

On to the less emotional part of the post,

Music Station Super Live 2007 was spazz-inducing. We were screaming like idiots at 10 pm and my mum made us quiet down. Sister was being extra hysterical today and Arashi being the first to perform in the 2nd part did not help one bit. Ahhh~ MatsuJun ♥
We practically screamed whenever someone drool-worthy was focused to the screen. You name it, Hyde, KameKazu, Yamapi, MatsuJun; we squee'd like 2 fangirls on crack. EXILE was lookin' extra suave in white suits. AUGH, I AM WEAK FOR WHITE SUITS. Ken Hirai was looking extra dashing in glasses, so adorable. I never knew Ken SHAMAL was the tallest in L'arc~en~ciel, I swore Tetsu looked taller in pictures. Mika Nakashima's performance was excellent, as expected from her. ♥

Ahhh~ I feel strangely pleased today. -w-
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