I feel like detaching my legs from my body

Aug 03, 2009 23:39

My feet are throbbing. My arms feel sore.

I think they will fall off after tomorrow.

As it should, we started with breakfast items. This is the first time I've ever brought back this much food after a kitchen class. I love Malaysian food ;w;

Our menu for the day consisted of nasi lemak, congee, lontong and chapati with vegetable dhal. Our instructor was confuzzled by the failure of his chapati dough and decided to improvise by making puri instead.

Cooking was rather easy, it was the getting-it-to-taste-right part that was hard especially for the nasi lemak lololol. We all had different preferences for the sambal since we're used to eating our mum's nasi lemak.

Nasi Lemak



Puri with vegetable dhal. My group made these heee.

I shall now attempt to do some Math before going to sleep /dies

/dies, hungry?, camera, college

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