I want to eat roti canai and fries

Nov 22, 2008 02:09

I have this burning urge to buy a japanophilic bunny/bear-eared hoodie that I cannot possibly wear to class without people staring at my head. Or at my back when I don't wear the hood. Or generally at me for buying such a thing. I wonder if I can get away with it though..


Finals were all good, I'm quite pleased with myself. Let's just hope December 18th won't disappoint me. Just like how the beginning of my sem break did.

I always look forward to holidays solely for the reasons that I can finally get away from the things happening in college. Things like my first-year shoujo manga romance blues. That guy has got to stop giving me false hopes, DAMNIT. You know the saying, when I close my eyes, I see you... blah blah crap?

Yup, been there. For the past 2 days since I came back, in fact. Why yes, I am already home since the 19th.

Why am I so giddy with utter infatuation for this dude? I reckon he's the most relevant-to-my-taste, appealing person of the opposite sex I've ever met. I'm not saying he's perfect, but god help me, it's his imperfections that I'm attracted to. He's actually normal and oh-so average, it makes me wonder why the hell I'm attracted to someone who's so ordinary. Sure, he's sickeningly funny (my tummy hurt the whole night after he made this one joke, no kidding) but the fact that he only talks when he needs to and is witty, sends my heart to overdrive.

Since it sounds too much like a shoujo manga that it's freaking me out, I'll stop writing.

shut up self, shoujo manga suto-ri, home is where the porn is

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