/keyboard smash

Jun 12, 2008 01:31

askdjkal;jfda;ksjdask I didn't realize how serious the situation is currently until earlier this evening. I have 1001 things to be settled with in 2 weeks, no joke. My mum keeps pressuring me to get a medical checkup ASAP, I'm going out on Sunday to watch Kung-fu Panda and get Japanese self-learning books and Amatsuki artbook, I have college things to buy like laundry things and bedding things, I'm cramming months of CF work in 2 weeks and rescheduling what I've appointed to, GET THE BLASTED REBORN FANFIC COMMUNITY UP AND RUNNING ALSKHFLAKSHDLAS;, I have doujin-related issues to be done with; scanning-wise and purchasing-wise.

Which got me thinking that I should have a poll running:


Poll Since I procrastinate too damn much..

Although, this really depends on the scanner if it decides to actually work askljda;kjsd MURPHY'S LAW APPLIES HERE. I can scan only one book, sorry AKSJD;ALJSHFDLJASD
I would still have Self-Service up for download hopefully by tomorrow after I edit the Oxford trip pictures.


M-my mum keeps telling everyone in the house casually I'm leaving to far away land called Terengganu for college by end of this month. It's like she's rubbing it into my face that I'm finally leaving the house. ;_;

To answer the question why I'm self-learning Japanese is that I WANNA WRITE A LETTER TO ICHINOSE LIKE BUUUUURNING I feel like I should learn more languages besides the provided French and Mandarin in college. And also, god knows why, I have this urge to study in Japan when there isn't anything there to offer for culinary students. OTL

I just.. want to get out of the country..

EDIT: I think I might cry if I couldn't get this in the end. IT IS STARRY AND SPARKLY AND SHINYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

poll, doujin, asdfghjkl;, college

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