For the love of god

May 30, 2008 23:02

J-drama rant, I believe no one would understand what I'm ranting so pls to be continuing to ignore this as usual.

Watching ROOKIES is like watching a team of previously-injured Yamamotos crushed thus turned violent and then turned good again. I can't decide whether that's good or bad.

What's up with all the crying omfg, I may have to choke Koide if his character bloody cries again. I understand the whole LET'S AIM FOR KOSHIEN EVEN THO WE SUCK GAIZ RAH RAH and the LET'S ALL WORK HARD TOGETHER GAIZ theme you're going at but take it easy with the tearing-up part. Manly tears are a-ok in my book but GOD DAMNIT I WILL PUNCH THE SCREEN IF I HAVE TO GO THROUGH ANOTHER EPISODE WITH A BOY CRYING.

I can't help it but every time Ichihara talks, I'm expecting Gokudera's 69 voice to come out lolol. And dare I say it, I'm actually disappointed when it's not. Ichihara's voice is okay-ish, I hate it when he sometimes rolls out his R. Although, at some parts, his voice is kinda sexy haha since it's low and a bit husky. It's a love-hate situation. I loooove saying his name in the series, Aniya. It sorta rolls on the tongue. Aniya. Aniya, the guy who wears ill-fitting pants and shirt to school. Why oh why do you wear clothes twice your size gahh. Wear your school uniform like Gokudera, Aniya-- tight and at least 1 size too small.
His motivation to play baseball is so awesome, he'd aim for Koshien again only if his childhood friend agrees to have sex with him after they win.

See, this is why ROOKIES doesn't have a fixed airing time.

Despite of the horribly cliche storyline and lack of hot actors, I'm continuing just because they play baseball and nothing hurts my brain than seeing pseudo-Ichinose prancing around in a baseball uniform. Sorta like seeing a husky-voiced Gokudera prancing around in Yamamoto's uniform. That should be made a doujin

One thing though. I gotta stop talking to myself whenever I watch anything on the computer, it's getting freaky for me and especially the people around me. Why must I get so emotional and worked up over useless, pointless stuff OTL

Dear f-list, good luck with whatever you guys are doing, assignments, work, homework, school, exams etc. or is it already the summer holidays/semester break/school holidays? If it is, well, have fun then.

rant, j-drama

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