Here we go guys, finally got around to sorting the last of my fabric tonight and I have SO MUCH to give away. I simply cannot use it all, I don't have the time! All the info is under the cut, and I'm making the post public, so please pass a link along if you know any crafters who might be interested.
First, rules:
- Pick a box size (Above is domestic, contact me if you're not in the US)
- Tell me what you want*
- Paypal me @ legatou[at]hotmail[.]com**, making sure you include your correct shipping address
- I will ship ASAP
- You receive your box, and start making fun new things!
* I need to know if anyone would object to getting leather in their box, or if someone only wants denim, or no denim, yarn or no yarn. You get the idea? :3
** Since I am asking that you all only pay shipping I would really appreciate it if you all could
cover the cost of the fees that PP charges. I have never asked this before, and feel weird doing so now but I'm not really selling anything here. ._.;;
My stash:
ClothDenimLeatherYarn(Some buttons, bolt ribbon and lace, and one hell of a variety of beads are also available, but I forgot to take a picture last night. x_x Just let me know if you want something.)
Keep in mind everything is random, unless you make a special request. That pile of fabric is a lot bigger and heavier than it looks, and I have more leather than what's pictured, but its not here at the moment. So if you should want a lot of leather, I can do that, too. I always ship on Mondays, and occasionally on other days of the week when I have time on my lunch break, so I will let you know when I mail your box out to you.
Basically, THANK YOU for taking the time to look, and hopefully giving some of this material the new life its been waiting for here at my place.