Jan 17, 2007 22:32
This quarter is pretty relaxing so far. only having main classes on tuesdays and thursdays is alot more fun that i thought it would be.
So the main stuff im excited about is this:
Oscar told me about this place in orange county were we can play some music in a studio setting. for only 13 bucks an hour. We're gonna take chris with us, and have a mini band jam session, with drums and everything. Hopefully we produce some good musics. I go through phases where I play, then I dont play. right now is one of the up moments.
I just finished this series called Spaced today. Its from the creators of shaun of the dead, and its equally as great. Very entertaining, very well shot and well written. It inspires me, and I want more of it.
School right now is kinda disorganized. the TAs for my classes seem to get off to a slow start, and sort of get things started without thinking them through, or explaining them too clearly. Im not going to give any examples right now, but just know its happening.
Man, my writing is horrible right now.
Speaking of disorganized school... In one of my classes, cs180 - software engineering, we have to get into groups, and name ourselves. Me and my partner couldnt think of a good name, so i used the name I always fall back on... Team Discovery Channel, which is a very obscure simpsons reference (almost as obscure as purple monkey dishwasher). On Tuesday we go into the class, and they tell us that another team signed up with the same name. what the freak?!? what are the odds of that.
well.. thats it.
Oh, and Daisy's new name is Sandra 2.