
Nov 11, 2007 10:26

Well, its official. 
We have a crawler.
"Baby Mackenzie Mac" is off and FAST!
She can now swing her car walker onto the carpet and is a superior explorer.
She heads the fastest on arms and legs when its something we've said that word "no" too.
She has 2 bottom teeth and two top... only the top are a tooth space apart? 
(More on that as it develops- our sweet little redneck baby!)
This morning she was going 90 to nothing and fell swiftly to sleep as we listened to Puff the magic Dragon.
(That song till makes me CRY, but neil diamond cheered me up.)
I heard Keith say "Mackenzie Elizabeth!" this morning.....

We are well.
We are getting old.
We are having parent moments and a little offset occationaly.

All is well.
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