Jun 22, 2004 17:38
hey girls. CALIFORNIA IN 3 DAYSSS YEAHH! Im so excited! Summer is going well, I really need to find a job though..the only thing- who hires 15 year olds? no one. I hate not living by a beach... the beach is like an hour away and thats too long for my parents to drop me off, drive home, pick me up, and drive me home.. oy. Right when I get back from Cali my cousins from NY- Alec, Brad and Jamie.. are coming and staying with me for a week =). Alec is 18 freshie in college...I dont really hang with him that much and Brad and Jamie are twins and are 16 ..going into their junior yr in HS. You cant really tell brad and jamie are twins though.. people say me and jamie look more like twins than her and brad do. I love sleeping in late everyday...summer is great
ttyl loves.
<333 Jenn