Jun 26, 2005 21:04
Hey I've written some more poetry
So here ya go::
I see this girl with a beautiful body
I wonder why I am nobody
I dont have a perfect smile or anything
I wish I had beauty like the girls in the magazines
But I look like Im five
And no one knows Im alive
I know that envy is a sin
But I cant help but be envious of other women
I wish there was away to be beautiful
Even if it's just for one day
Who am I?
Do you know?
I ask many of you, but you stare blankly at me
You say that I am a drama queen
I shake my head yes
Then turn my head
In my thoughts I say to myself
That I wish someone might have an idea who I am
Even me, my own body doesn't have a clue who I am
But for right now I know this
I am alone
No body
No clue who I want to be
This is all I'm going to say
Because I am dumbfounded by my life
I can barely keep up
And no one wants to lead the way
I go online
I type in my profile
I say this and only this
School is over
Fuck Yeah
Call me if you want to hang out bitches
Love ya
I get a message saying that I am not being myself
But I think to myself
That she wouldnt even know who I am, if I dont even know who I am
I take a deep breath and let it all go
But in my head I slowly give up
I dont care what people say
Because I am unique in my own way
But deep down I know that I still care what people say to me
Because I dont have a life
Im just stuck here
I go outside of my hotel sweet
I move toward the balcony with my procelain feet
I think of all of my Catholic school days
I remember when all the teachers used to say
That suicide is a sin and will send you straight to hell
But at this point, hell is way better than this
So I have made my desicion now
I dont care if I go to hell
Because I cant stand this place
I need to hurry my pace
So I fall
Know turning back
I cant crawl my way back
I just need to face the facts
That I jumped
And now I am dead
But my head feels fine
I can now speak my mind
Maybe you'll finally listen to me
I was never free
But now I can be who I want to be
In purgatory
I sit on this bright blue chair
Waiting for the desicion that I hope is fair
Will I go to hell or heaven
I start counting until they call my name
Then I reach to seven
Bianca Nicole Porter will you please come here
I stood and they replied
We have reached the final verdict
You will be going to heaven
I was so happy because I knew that all my life I have waited for the day that I went to heaven
And now its here
And I should cheer
But I keep thinking of the time I jumped
That thought is hunting me down
And making me frown
I hope things will get better somehow
One minute they love you
The next minute they stab you in the back
I lack
In the fact that I have any friends
Because every friend I've ever had
Always broke my heart
And left me crying
I know that Im a cry baby
But thats only because you cause me
So whats the point of even having a friend
When there just going to break your heart
And leave you there to rot
I'm sitting in the car
Looking a far
I find that it is raining
And I watch the rain drops dripping
Drip drop drip drop
It wont stop
I stare at the rain for hours
Until I finally go outside
And dance along with all the other rain drops
My heart starts beating faster and faster
Until I drop on the floor
I'm all wet
Without a care in the world
I've never felt this feeling before
I've never been this happy
But I guess rain can do that to a lassy
I get up and go back home
And all my happiness drifts away
I am now myself and my soul is freshly revived
You can try to put me down
But I've heard it all before
So I'm no longer going to frown
My soul is as empty as its ever going to be
So please just let me be free
You all have put me through torture
But I'm letting you know that you've got what you wanted
I'm hurt
I'm injured
Because I know that if I even hold my head up high
You will always find away to knock me down
And stop me from getting to my goal
You ask me what that is
Well you just wait and see
Because I am going to be big
But right now I'm just a helpless little twig