(no subject)

Jan 22, 2005 23:21

Yes, well i just want to say despite everything, midterm week sucked, and it sucked bad.  But on a lighter note, it symbolizes that the year is half over. hoo-rah!  Oh yes, "S-Ball" was postponed.  But that's OK because i have leftover thai food in the refrigerator, and I'm Feelin' Fine.

I'm buying T-money's Camera from him, a really nice Nikon.  This is a big step for me because im usually really cheap and won't spend more then $20 on and single item.  But i think of it as an investment, I waste too much money on Disposable cameras anyway.

P.S. My 40-day vegan adventure begins in 18 days.

lucyyyyintheskyy: jenna + lucy = v-day 05

hell yes. independent women.

All right!
Turn it up now!
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