I swear to Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior that if one more person makes a comment to either me or Patrick that "OMGZZZZ LYKE YOU DONT HANG OUT WITH US ANYMORE!!111!!!"
I'LL KILL YOU.IT'S A TWO PERSON JOB, YOU IMBICILES. And hey guess what? There are some cases in which we'd rather hang out with eachother because we don't (that's right... we DON'T
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and wished i could see him
and cried my self to sleep
then this could be about be
but its not, but what if?!?
im in love with you
and want to hang out non-stop with you
and i laugh myself to sleep
can i count then?
.....or am I?
remember that one time I said I was gonna shut up...then I didnt?
remember that one time I remember that one time that I was gonna shut up but then didnt?
remember that one time I remember that one time that I remembered that one time I was gonna shut up but didnt?
remember that one time.....oh fuck it.
remember that one time I remember that one time...then said oh fuck it?
ok Im done....for real now....before you hate me....remember when you hated me?...
John. You are so dead.
remember the time everyone hateed you and you said remember when you hated me?
remember the time i rememberd the time that you rememberd the time that you said everyone hated you
remember the one time i remember the time that you rembered the time that i remembed that you remembed that i rememberd the time that you said that i hated you
good times
Peace out A-town
my home dawg
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